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Legacies Collection Opens

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In September 2008 the Project inaugurated a new Legacies collection to explore the continuing influence of abolitionist ideas and culture in US society from the Civil War to the early twentieth century.  The Legacies collection, which features original texts, historical introductions, and video, is co-edited by Holly Kent, Joe Lockard, and Zoe Trodd.
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The Antislavery Literature Project

by Joe Lockard last modified 2008-11-15 00:29

Antislavery literature represents the origins of multicultural literature in the United States.

The goal of the Antislavery Literature Project is to increase public access to a body of literature crucial to understanding African American experience, US and hemispheric histories of slavery, and early human rights philosophies. These multilingual collections contribute to an educational consciousness of the role of many antislavery writers in creating contemporary concepts of freedom.

Antislavery literature represents the origins of multicultural literature in the United States. It is the first body of American literature produced by writers of diverse racial origins. It encompasses slave narratives, lectures, travel accounts, political tracts, prose fiction, poetry, drama, religious and philosophical literature, compendia, journals, manifestoes and children's literature. There is a complex and contradictory range of voices, from journalistic reportage to sentimental poetry, from racial paternalism and stereotyping to advocacy of interracial equality, from religious disputation to militant antislavery calls. In its whole, this literature is inseparable from an understanding of democratic development in US society.

The Antislavery Literature Project engages in public scholarship by providing educational access to the literature and history of the antislavery movement in the United States. Much antislavery literature remains unavailable to all but a small number of scholars. We encourage public use of and participatory contributions to literary and historical scholarship of slavery. We believe that public scholarship, where the academy and community meet to create and use cultural knowledge together, is an expression of engaged citizenship.

To accomplish this work, our project does historical research; digitization and production of electronic editions; and delivers annotated texts via the Internet. We emphasize a continuum between research, digitization, and teaching, and make a corpus of antislavery literature available for free for educational purposes. Further, to avoid redundant effort, our site links to the work of the community of digitization projects that have created publicly-available and not-for-profit electronic editions of antislavery literature.

Most of our work concerns the documents of historical US slavery, but the Project also maintains a collection of contemporary slave narratives edited by Kevin Bales and Zoe Trodd.  The literature of slavery continues to emerge today and the Project highlights this continuity.

We produce streaming video to interpret selected historical texts, to present research lectures, and to provide teaching models for antislavery literature. Videos include abolitionist choral music from the Antislavery Ensemble, in cooperation with the Arizona State University School of Music, and lectures from a Harvard University course on American social protest literature.  One new multimedia project involves podcast readings of Frederick Douglass translations as a way to explore the translation history and international reception of early African American literature.

The Project is based at the English Department of Arizona State University and the EServer at Iowa State University's English Department.  It receives assistance from a diverse group of affiliates who support its scholarly and educational objectives.