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Food Manufacturers

Contents of this area:

Food manufacturing and processing in Louisiana occurs in a variety of forms, from the bottling of drinking water and soft drinks to the production of such endemic Louisiana staples as gumbos, hot sauces, and crawfish pies. All of these activities are regulated by the Food and Drug Unit under the authority of the Louisiana Administrative Code (specifically, Part VI of Title 51) and Title 40 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 (better known as the State Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law). As with all its endeavors, the purpose of FDU's oversight of these activities is to verify that producers of such comestibles meet minimum standards of sanitation as are outlined in the above-referenced regulations. However, please be aware of the following exceptions. FDU does not regulate these:

manufacturers of meats or meat products (defined in accordance with Title 21 U.S.C. §601 et. seq.) or slaughterhouses/abbatoirs of cattle, sheep, swine, goats, equines, chickens, or turkeys

retail food stores (including retail bakeries)

manufacturers of seafood or shellfish products (non-value-added) as defined by 21 C.F.R. §123.3

milk and dairy farms or processors

The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, in cooperation with the U.S.D.A., regulates meat producers and processors. The DHH/OPH Retail Food Program regulates retail food operations of various kinds. The DHH/OPH Seafood Program regulates seafood processors. The DHH/OPH Milk and Dairy Program regulates dairy farms and milk and milk-product producers.

Please note that any of the above-referenced establishment types, if it also has a regulated commodity/process (e.g., manufactures turkey sausage and turkey pot pies), may be subject to FDU regulation and inspection.

If you are a prospective food manufacturer, you may find the following documents of use (all documents below are in Adobe Acrobat format; go to the Acrobat website to obtain Reader software if needed):

Guidelines for Prospective Food Manufacturers - A packet of general information on how to meet our regulatory requirements Read this if you are opening a food-manufacturing facility in Louisiana.

Guidelines for Prospective Apiaries/Honey Producers - A packet of information for honey producers

Guidelines for Prospective Bottled Water Manufacturers - A packet of information for in-state bottled water manufacturers

Guidelines for Prospective Bottled Water Distributors - A packet of information for out-of-state bottled water importers

Guidelines for Prospective Quail/Rabbit Slaughterhouses - A packet of information for small animal/game bird processors

Plans Review Questionnaire - If you are opening a new establishment or renovating an existing one, download this document to submit with your plans.

Title 51, Part VI of the Louisiana Administrative Code - Our primary regulatory authority

Title 51, Part X, L.A.C. - Game bird and small animal processing regulations

Regulations for


Bottled Water Manufacturers

Ice and Cold Storage Plants

Soft Drink Manufacturers

Water Vending Machines


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