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Drug/Cosmetic Manufacturers

Contents of this area:
Drug and cosmetic manufacturers in Louisiana produce over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs, as well as a variety of cosmetics, dyes, and beauty products. Medical gasses (nitrogen, oxygen, breathing air, et cetera), which meet the legal FDA and FDU definitions of a "drug," also fall under these regulations.


If you are a prospective drug or cosmetic manufacturer, you may find the following documents of use (all documents below are in Adobe Acrobat format; go to the Acrobat website to obtain Reader software if needed):

Regulations pertaining to Drug Manufacturers

Regulations pertaining to Product Registration, Facility Permits, and Other General Requirements

Regulations pertaining to Cosmetic Manufacturers

Plans Review Questionnaire - If you are opening a new establishment or renovating an existing one, download this document to submit with your plans.

Title 51, Part VI of the Louisiana Administrative Code - Our primary regulatory authority

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