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Novartis Careers

Novartis Careers

Diversity and inclusion

To operate successfully as a global company, it is essential that our people reflect the rich cultural, ethnic and gender diversity of our markets; as our customer base grows increasingly diverse, a diverse talent pool becomes a critical bridge between the workplace and the marketplace. Diversity of our workforce enhances customer insight and our ability to meet the needs of patients and other stakeholders. Retaining this talent adds value to our company, our customers, our employees, our shareholders, our suppliers and the communities in which we live and work.

We consider Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) to encompass, but not be limited to, ethnicity, gender, thinking styles, religion and belief, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, education, nationality and life experiences.


Citizenship in action

Citizenship in action in Africa

The Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative brings hope to AIDS orphans in Africa.


Novartis worldwide offices

Novartis operates in 140 countries around the world.