Santa Rosa Junior College logo Building on a Legacy of Excellence
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Certificate Programs Associate Degree Programs Transfer Preparation Job Training and
Workforce Development
Center for Advanced Technology in Education Community Education Noncredit Programs Study/Work Abroad Instructional Departments Culinary Arts Libraries
Instruction Collage

What is great about SRJC is there's something for everyone! You can earn an associate degree and transfer to a four-year institution or train for a career in over 140 occupational certificate areas under the instruction of highly qualified faculty members who are imbued with a commitment to teaching. Or if you prefer enrichment or noncredit classes, there are so many interesting courses to choose from through our Community Education and senior programs. We invite you to explore our "Instruction" Web pages to discover which path may be best for you!

As a lifelong learning college with its primary focus on top instruction and student learning, SRJC students benefit from rich and rigorous course offerings and instruction that parallel in content the first two years at UC Berkeley, Sonoma State University, Stanford, and many other four-year universities for a fraction of the cost.

Today's job market seeks out skilled employees with two or four-year degrees, industry standard certifications, or hands-on job training. Local employers, businesses, and organizations prefer trained SRJC students with degrees and certifications because our students acquire career skills from the College's broad job training and workforce development and occupational certificate options that qualify them to compete in the job market.

At SRJC our students and instructors study and exchange together as members of a unique learning community with people like and unlike themselves. The experience is a powerful stimulus to personal and academic growth and to prepare for the competitive world of work.

Welcome to Santa Rosa Junior College where quality instructional programs and personal service to students are designed to help them reach their goals!