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Subject: Re: Proxie substitution request
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2007-09-11 11:54:21
I have given Bernardo Barbiellini the role of PI Proxy in m225. What role should Seppo have -- he can remain PI Proxy, be a user, or be "deleted" (no longer active). Francesca Verdier email: Associate Manager, NERSC Services phone: 510-486-7193 Bernardo Barbiellini wrote: > Dear Mrs. Verdier: > > This message is for a request to replace Dr. Seppo Sahrakorpi as Proxie > for the PI of the project m225, Professor Arun Bansil. I have the > authorization of both Professor Bansil and Dr. Sahrakorpi. I am also > already user of the NERSC machines with the username "bba". > > Sincerely yours, > > Bernardo Barbiellini > > > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > * * > * Dr. Bernardo Barbiellini * > * Northeastern University * > * Department of Physics * > * 111 Dana Research Center * > * Boston, MA 02115 * > * Phone: (617) 373-2961 * > * Fax:(617) 373-2943 * > * E-mail: * > * * > * * > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > > >

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