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Subject: Call for FY 2004 NERSC Allocation Requests
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2003-06-05 11:05:35
Greetings NERSC Principal Investigators and PI Proxies, The web interface for submitting FY 2004 NERSC allocation requests opens today, Thursday, June 5, 2003. The deadline to submit requests is midnight Wednesday, July 23, 2003. Award decisions for requests submitted before this deadline will be emailed to Principal Investigators on September 15. Requests made after July 23 will be reviewed in October. Requests to use NERSC resources are submitted via a web form known as the ERCAP (Energy Research Computing Allocations Process) Request Form. ERCAP is accessed through the NERSC Information Management (NIM) system at For more information on ERCAP see: This email contains the highlights of the FY 2004 Call for NERSC Allocation Requests. You can read the complete document at: 1. What's new for FY 2004 -------------------------- * Requests and awards for the IBM SP Seaborg will be made in terms of raw hours (or "SP hours") rather than MPP hours. In the past, in order to normalize hours between machines, NERSC used the MPP hour, which was set to the raw hour times a machine factor. The machine factor for Seaborg has been 2.5. So for FY 2004 Seaborg requests and awards will use units that are a factor of 2.5 smaller than the FY 2003 units. * The minimum production-level Seaborg time request is 20,000 SP hours. * The maximum Startup Seaborg time request is 20,000 SP hours. * The code performance questions on the Request Form have been modified to be more specific about the information that is collected. Please read Help for the FY 2004 code questions at: * PIs requesting more than 400,000 SP hours per year may request resources for up to three years. For such multi-year requests, DOE will decide how many years (1, 2, or 3) will actually be awarded. * This year you must validate your user lists as part of the request process. You will see a new tab on the ERCAP Request Form called Validate User List. Instructions are at: * The COmputational Review Panel (CORP) will review the following DOE Base Program requests this year (SciDAC requests do not get reviewed): 1. projects requesting 400,000 or more SP hours or 75,000 or more Storage Resource Units 2. projects requesting more than 150% of what they were awarded in FY 2003 3. projects for which the PI requests a review: if your request is not in one of the two above categories you may request a review by sending email to: 2. Accessing the ERCAP Request Form ----------------------------------- The ERCAP request form is accessed from NIM at: You log into NIM using one of your NERSC login names (this can be an SP or HPSS login name, or a "NIM only" login name) and your NIM password. If you have forgotten your NIM password please contact the Account Support Office at 1-800-66-NERSC menu option 2, or 1-510-486-8612. After you have logged into NIM select My ERCAP Requests from the My Stuff pulldown menu (or use the Go to: ERCAP Submission link; it has the same functionality as My ERCAP Requests). If you made one or more allocation requests in FY 2003 you will see them in the ERCAP Request List frame. To renew a request for FY 2004 click on the associated renew link (located at the right end of the row for that project). Use the edit link to make changes to unfinished requests. If you have a new project and want a new repository scroll to the bottom of the ERCAP Request List and click on: Click here to create a new project request (with new repos) for FY 2004 (starts Oct 1, 2003). The questions on the FY 2004 request form have been divided into several sections. Each section has been grouped under a tab. When you first renew a previous year's request, or when you first create a new FY 2004 request, you will be in the first tab, called Project Overview. This tab contains questions 1 through 8 of the ERCAP Request Form. The other tabs are not clickable until you have saved the Project Overview; after which you can click on any tab in any order. You MUST click the "Save" button at the bottom of each section in order to save your work before selecting another tab. For more help: 3. Designating proxies to fill out the Request Form --------------------------------------------------- PIs can designate one or more "PI proxies" who write the request form for the PI. If you used a PI Proxy last year, this person already has access to your request(s) as a Proxy. You can check whether one of your repos has a PI Proxy associated with it by entering the repo name in the box under Repository in NIM's main menu and clicking Go. If you want to designate a new PI Proxy please fill out the ERCAP Access Request web form at: 4. Help ------- If you need help filling out a request form please contact a NERSC consultant at 1-800-66-NERSC menu option 3, 1-510-486-8611, or If you have forgotten your NIM password please contact the Account Support Office at 1-800-66-NERSC menu option 2, or 1-510-486-8612. 5. Acknowledging NERSC in your publications ------------------------------------------- Please acknowledge NERSC in your publications. A sample statement is: This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098. Sincerely, -- Francesca Verdier email: Group Lead, NERSC User Services phone: 510-486-7193

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