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Subject: Large Scale Jobs Reimbursement Program
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2003-04-18 11:11:39
Greetings NERSC Project Managers, A reminder that NERSC has set aside 4 million MPP hours to reimburse jobs run on more than 64 Seaborg nodes. The original announcement is at: If your project wishes to be reimbursed (and is eligible) the earlier you let us know the more likely there will still be MPP hours available in this 4 million hour pool. Reimbursements will be made towards the beginning of each month for jobs over 64 nodes that ran the previous month so long as you submit a paragraph to NERSC explaining the science results achieved with these large runs. To request participation in the reimbursement program contact NERSC Consulting: Web: Email: We ask that all participants gather performance information for a code run on 64 or more nodes (the code should be run on the largest number of nodes that it can efficiently use). Use the poe+ command to do this; see: Also DOE requests that you register the information about the code in their Applications Performance Matrix database. Its URL is: If you'd like to see how some of that information is utilized, have a look at the Applications Performance Matrix main page, Sincerely, -- Francesca Verdier email: Group Lead, NERSC User Services phone: 510-486-7193

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