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Subject: Idl upgraded to version 5.5 on Escher
Author: Kenneth Schwartz <>
Date: 2002-05-31 10:35:49
Dear NERSC users, IDL has been upgraded from version 5.3 to 5.5 on Escher. The default version 5.3, will be changed to version 5.5 To access IDL Version 5.3 at a command prompt enter: module load idl To run this program at a command prompt enter: idl To access IDL Version 5.5 at a command prompt enter: module load idl/5.5 Two weeks from today, after version 5.5 is installed as default, either command will run version 5.5 and version 5.3 may be run using: module load idl/5.3 The online documentation regarding access reflects usage after version 6.0 becomes the default. Additional information is available at: Additional online support resources have also been added for this product at: Regards, Kenneth Schwartz -- Kenneth Schwartz Visualization Project Leader National Energy Research Scientific Computing Division One Clyclotron RD MS 50F Bldg 50 Room 1615 University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 Tel 510-486-4851 Fax 510-486-5812 Mobile: 209-612-2790

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