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Subject: code performnace questions on this year's allocation request form
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2002-05-09 11:50:59
Dear NERSC PIs and Repo Managers, The ERCAP proposal renewal process for FY 2003 will open on June 4th. I will send more details on the process for this year on June 4th. At this time I'd like to point out some changes to the code description section of the ERCAP form. DOE has requested that we gather more precise information in this area so this section has been expanded. If you need help collecting any of this information, please contact the consultants at 16. Code Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16.1 Software and Algorithms Please describe your code, addressing the following: (a) programming language, libraries and other software used (if a library or software component is not available at NERSC, please mention this); (b) description of the underlying mathematical model being solved; (c) algorithms and numerical techniques employed; (d) parallel programming system (i.e. MPI, OpenMP, Global Arrays); (e) plans for code development or enhancement. 16.2 Code Performance and Justification for Computational Resources Please provide evidence that your code is well optimized for the platforms you are requesting resources on: (a) Mflop/s rates achieved on various sections of the code, plus a brief explanation of how these rates were measured (if you need tools to perform these measurements, please contact; (b) scalability data for parallel codes; (c) memory and CPU time required for a single run; (d) the number of runs needed this year. 16.3 Communications, I/O, Checkpointing and Justification for Storage Resources Please provide information on the following: (a) parallel communication bandwidth and latency requirements; (b) network I/O requirements (i.e. bandwidth to/from NERSC and other sites); (c) data requirements (space and bandwidth to/from home (permanent), scratch, and HPSS archival storage) (d) checkpointing features (i.e. does the code periodically write key arrays to disk). -- Francesca Verdier email: Group Lead, NERSC User Services phone: 510-486-7193

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