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News on Senior Volunteers

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Senior Citizen Volunteers

Peace Corps’ Oldest Volunteer Now Teaching Science in Ghana

84-Year-Old from Dayton, Ohio, lost wife two years ago, seeks new challenges

Aug. 27, 2008 - Ralph H. Bernstein, 84, of Dayton, Ohio, has been accepted into the Peace Corps, making him the oldest currently serving Peace Corps Volunteer in the world. The octogenarian is joining the ranks along with hundreds of older Americans who are putting their considerable life skills and experience to good use around the world through service in the Peace Corps. Read more...

Senior Citizen Volunteers Needed Across the U.S. by Youth For Understanding

Prepares young people for challenges in global community

Oct. 19, 2007 – Senior citizens are needed as volunteers by an organization that helps young people around the world. Youth For Understanding (YFU) USA is seeking seniors to help in communities across the country to prepare young people for their responsibilities and challenges in a changing, interdependent global community. Read more...

States Turn to Senior Citizens for Help in Classrooms finds states launching programs to fill mounting classroom vacancies

By Christine Vestal, Staff Writer

Oct. 18, 2007 - Dorothy Johns, 74, volunteers as a teacher’s aide at a Baltimore elementary school and says the kids help her stay active and healthy. Elizabeth DeSell, the teacher she helps, says she doesn’t know what she would do without her. The kids say they like reading with Johns, and studies show their grades have improved. Read more...

Senior Citizens, Women Most Generous in Contributing to Charities

U.S. charity focuses on religious groups, poverty and disaster relief

Aug. 28, 2007 – Senior citizens are more generous in contributing to charitable causes than are younger people, finds a new poll. It also says nine of ten Americans regularly contribute to charities and women are more likely to give than men. Read more...

Senior Citizens Most Likely to Honor and Practice Social Responsibility

Harris Poll finds only 8% of adults rate social responsibility highly

June 20, 2007 – Senior citizens, in this case adults age 62 and older, are more likely than younger people to take “social responsibility” seriously and “practice what they preach,” according to a new Harris Poll. But only about 8 percent of U.S. adults believe social responsibility is a good idea and of high importance. Read more...

Texas Grandmother Loves Being Peace Corps Volunteer at Age 65

As an older Volunteer, she believes she is able to have a greater impact on the lives of others in Macedonia

March 25, 2007 - When Katrina Meredith decided to take early retirement in 2005, the Texas native was finally able to pursue a dream she had held for over 40 years: to become a Volunteer with the Peace Corps. Today, the 65 year old grandmother of three is serving as a community development Volunteer, and calls the Southeastern European nation of Macedonia home. Read more...

Study Explores Opportunities for Senior Citizen Volunteers in Schools

Reveals rewarding roles older Americans play in supporting teachers

July 13, 2006 - In spite of the millions of baby boomers beginning to reach retirement age and the increasing need for volunteers to fill critical roles in their communities, meaningful opportunities for senior citizens to engage in service remain limited. A new report, Rewards of Giving: An In-depth Study of Older Adults’ Volunteer Experiences in Urban Elementary Schools, explores the experiences of a group of older volunteers and produces lessons about how to run high-quality programs that make the most of older adults’ time and talents. Read more...

Senior Citizens Not Likely Volunteers but Become Very Committed

Study finds seniors volunteer less often but contribute more hours

U.S. Volunteers 2005
Average hours, volunteer rate

Age Group



16 to 24 years:



25 to 34 years:



35 to 44 years:



45 to 54 years:



55 to 64 years:



65 years and up:






June 12, 2006 – Senior Citizens are much less likely than most younger Americans to volunteer for community service but, when they do, they will devote many more hours to the effort. It takes almost two baby boomers to provide as many volunteer hours as one volunteer age 65 or older. These are some of the findings released today in a state-by-state study of volunteerism by the federal government's Corporation for National and Community Service, which includes the Senior Corps. Read more...

Senior Corps Foster Grandparent Honored for 27 Year Service

Senior Corps volunteers receive national awards for outstanding service

May 30, 2006- Foster Grandparent Ora Rakestraw of Sacramento received a Gold Honoree Mentor Award this month in recognition of her 27 years of service in the Senior Corps. As a mentor to third-graders, she works with those who are reading at the lowest levels. Her success is marked by her students’ reading scores, which increased 10 percentile points in 2004. Read more...

New Campaign Urges America’s 77 Million Baby Boomers to Volunteer

"Get Involved" government campaign taps boomer’s idealism and talents

Dec. 27, 2005 - Public service announcements will begin running in January, when the first wave of baby boomers start to turn 60. Recognizing the extraordinary potential for social good among America’s 77 million baby boomers, the Corporation for National and Community Service begins a multi-year public service ad campaign that asks baby boomers to get involved in their communities. Read more...

Nominations Sought for Annual Older Volunteers Recognition

Deadline December 9 to nominate volunteers 50 and older

Nov. 1, 2005 - For the fourth year, outstanding baby boomer and senior citizen volunteers from across the country will be honored with a MetLife Foundation Older Volunteers Enrich America Award. Administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), the awards recognize and build awareness of the exemplary contributions of older adults and encourage other older adults to contribute their knowledge, skills and time to enrich society through volunteerism. Read more...

Spirit of Service Awards

Five Honored for Senior Corps Volunteer Work

Aug. 22, 2005 – Five senior citizens were honored with Spirit of Service by the Corporation for National and Community Service as outstanding national service participants. All are volunteers with Senior Corps programs. Helen Karr, for example, graduated law school on her 64th birthday and began volunteering with the San Mateo Council on Aging and the local Senior Corps RSVP program to fight elder abuse. Read more...

Eastwood Asks Fellow Seniors to Help Improve Public Recreational Areas

Actor-Director resumes his role as spokesperson for Take Pride in America

Aug. 18, 2005 – Senior citizens interested in finding a way to contribute something back to America may want to heed the advice from fellow senior Clint Eastwood and volunteer for Take Pride in America, a program that improves public parks, forests, grasslands, reservoirs, wildlife refuges, cultural and historic sites, local playgrounds, and other recreation areas. Read more...

$4 Million Available to Encourage Baby Boomer Volunteers

July 28, 2005 - The Corporation for National and Community Service has announced the availability of approximately $4 million in Challenge Grants for a small number of nonprofit organizations to expand or launch new programs that encourage the baby boomer generation (born between 1946 and 1964) to become volunteers to help meet important community needs. Read more...

Senior Corps Gets Expansion Money for 25 Programs

400 new volunteers joining Foster Grandparent, RSVP programs

July 18, 2005 – The Senior Corps is in the process of expansion, including about 400 new volunteers in 20 states that serve the RSVP and Foster Grandparent programs. The 25 Senior Corps programs have been awarded $600,000 by the Corporation for National and Community Service. Read more... list of local agencies getting funding.

Senior Corps Volunteers Receive National Award For Outstanding Service

May 10, 2005 - As the country celebrated National Volunteer Week, on April 22, 2005, the MetLife Foundation and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging honored Senior Corps volunteer Victoria Thorton-Lucas with the Community Champion Award in the 2005 Older Volunteers Enrich America Awards for outstanding contributions to her community. Read more...

Senior Corps Contributions Highlighted in CNCS Tenth Anniversary

Sept. 17, 2004 – The Corporation for National and Community Service, which administers the Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs, kicked off a yearlong effort this month to commemorate its 10th anniversary and says more than 1.25 million Senior Corps volunteers have contributed over 1.1 billion hours in volunteer service to communities nationwide. More... 9/17/04*

Facts About the Senior Corps 2004

Sept. 17, 2004 - Senior Corps is a network of programs that tap the experience, skills, and talents of more than 500,000 Americans age 55 and older to meet a wide range of community needs through three programs: RSVP, Foster Grandparents, and Senior Companions. More... 9/17/04*

Senior Corps Seeks 100,000 Volunteers

 (WASHINGTON, D.C.,  June 25, 2003 – In a nationwide search for 100,000 volunteers age 55 and over, Senior Corps of the Corporation for National and Community Service (the Corporation) today launched Ask a Friend, Share Your Volunteer Spirit, a campaign to recruit volunteers for activities that help support and strengthen their communities. Click 6/25/03*

News Release

President Calls for More Senior Volunteers in 2004 Budget

Feb. 8, 2003 - President Bush released a 2004 budget for the Corporation for National and Community Service that would provide opportunities for 2.5 million Americans to serve their communities and country through Senior Corps, AmeriCorps and Learn and Serve America. Click 2/07/03*

Senor Corps Takes On Veterans History Project

Sept. 18, 02 - A partnership between Senior Corps and the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress to promote and extend the Veterans History Project has been announced by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). Click 9/18/2*

Senior Corps and Marriott Launch Alliance to Engage Older Americans in Service

Laura Bush Urges Residents of Senior Living Services Communities to Join Senior Corps

June 17, 2002 - First Lady Laura Bush last week commended a new alliance between Senior Corps and Marriott Senior Living Services to enlist volunteers and promote volunteer service among the residents of over 150 Marriott senior living communities throughout the United States. Accompanied by Utah First Lady Jacalyn Leavitt, Mrs. Bush visited the Brighton Gardens Assisted Living Community in Salt Lake City. Click 6/17/2*

President Bush Offers New Proposal Expanding Senior Corps and AmeriCorps

"Citizen Service Act" Supported by Democrats Who Helped Clinton Establish Programs

April 11, 2002 - The President introduced his new plan for the Senior Corps and called for more funding for the volunteer senior program and AmeriCorps during a Republican fund raising  visit to Connecticut earlier this week. Congress was hearing about the plan at the same time from Corporation CEO Leslie Lenkowsky, who testified before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee. Click 4/11/2*

SeniorCorps Sees Giant Jump in Web Site Visitors Since President's State of the Union

March 13, 2002 -  Senior Corps, a national service program for older Americans highlighted in the State of the Union, has seen a 131 percent increase in visitors on its web site. Click 3/13/2*

Getting to the Corps of the Matter

Which Government Corps Should You Join

Jan. 30, 2002 - Join the corps? Which one? President Bush added more corps to the list of volunteer service corps sponsored by the government in his State of the Union Address last night. There has got to be some confusion about where you should help. This article explains each corps and gives you a link to their Web. Click 1/30/2*  

President's Speech on Senior Corps - Click 1/31/2*

AP Report on President's Speech in Nov. '01 - Click

Full Text of Speech in Nov. 01 - Click

The White House distributed a fact sheet, "Every American Can Help."  - Click


Volunteer Opportunities for Senior Citizens - Click

Senior Corps Home Page - Click

Senior Corps History, Facts - Click

How To Join Senior Corps - Click

RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program)

Foster Grandparents

Senior Companions