National Population, Economic, and Infrastructure Impacts of Pandemic Influenza with Strategic Recommendations

Cover of NISAC Pandemic Influenza Impact reportResults of NISAC's 2-year study on the potential impacts of pandemic influenza in the United States were published in October 2007. and released to the public in 2008. The report can be downloaded here.

Pandemic Influenza Impact on Workforce and Critical Infrastructure

NISAC models have been enhanced to simulate multi-scale epidemiology and the public health infrastructure. NISAC analysts are using these models to examine disease spread at census-tract level nationally and at an individual level on a regional scale.

Using expected manifestations at the seasonal, 1958/68, and 1918 pandemic levels, explicit modeling of relevant aspects of the public health system has enabled NISAC to couple model output to population, workforce, infrastructure asset, and economic consequence assessments. Analyzed for geospatial structure, modeling output has revealed hotspots, strong correlations with average household size, and other demographic characteristics, emphasizing the importance of geospatial structure for pandemic planning at the local level.

Selected aspects of proposed national pandemic plans, mitigation and response options are being simulated in this ongoing project. In depth sensitivity analysis is planned for strategies deemed most effective and robust.

Pandemic Influenza Policy Analysis

Conclusions from the epidemiological and mitigation strategy analyses conducted to date include:

Graph of estimated workforce reductions by critical infrastructure Working in collaboration with the DHS Science and Technology's Critical Infrastructure Protection Decision Support System (CIPDSS) program, NISAC developed models of workforce impacts on infrastructure operations. These models will be used to evaluate pandemic effects on infrastructures and provide input to the analysis of national economic impacts.

Modeling/Analysis Approach

Diagram showing relationships of analysis process elements

Systems models of infrastructures are used to evaluate the effects of labor shortages on operations (transportation, telecom, and energy); data analysis is used to develop labor models for the other infrastructures (banking and finance, water, government, agriculture/food, etc.). Different processes in infrastructure supply chains are represented in the model, and include the effects on the workforce due to illness, parents having to stay home with sick children, employees refusing to go to work out of fear (worried well) and fatigue in staff that are working extraordinary hours.

The NISAC and CIPDSS approach to estimating the economic impacts of a pandemic are comprehensive and multi- dimensional, based on known interactions between labor supply, industry output, consumer demand, and households. By having the economics modeling take a systems approach that is similar to the epidemiological and infrastructure modeling approach, a rich environment is created for cross-model comparison and validation.

Estimating the Economic Impacts of a Pandemic Influenza

Diagram of pandemic influenza and labor supply effects on industryA central model of how firms adapt to labor losses, under varying epidemiological and government response conditions is applied to estimate the impacts of pandemic morbidity and mortality on infrastructures, their interdependencies, and the economy. Analyses include the identification of infrastructure and economic vulnerabilities caused by labor losses and overall economic conditions. Estimates are made of: