Analysis of Hurricane Impacts to Infrastruture

Diagram of FAST process for hurricane analysisThe Fast Analysis and Simulation Team (FAST) was formulated to serve as a central resource point for DHS in providing relevant and practical information in response to issues of national importance under limited time constraints.  The core FAST group is expanded dynamically in response to the triggering event and its location.  The FAST team’s process for hurricane analysis is diagrammed to the right.

Pre-Event Projections and Recovery Support

NISAC analysis reports provide situational awareness of the range of potential impacts to infrastructure for use in decision support. Reports are generated daily or as required for disruption (historically, up to a month or more). Results have been briefed to DHS Secretary Chertoff and the White House (including the President).

Colorized satellite image of hurricane Katrina with analysis charts 

NISAC Hurricane Analyses

Hurricane Pre-Event Focus

Post-Event / Recovery Focus