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map showing the chlorine supply chain, from producers (green) to consumers (red) NISAC has used its NABLE model to examine the large number and distribution of firms for chlorine, a critical chemical commodity. This model helps evaluate the effects of disruptions on individual assets or firms, identify the most highly connected and influential nodes and links, and pinpoint important dynamics and supply/capacity limitations.


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Providing a diverse range of services—from supplying basic necessities such as power and water to ensuring the information foundation for our economy—the systems, facilities, and functions that make up our nation’s critical infrastructure are essential to our vitality, security, and quality of life.

Ensuring the smooth operation of the sophisticated and highly interdependent components of our critical infrastructure is a crucial but complex challenge, especially in face of today’s troubling threats.

In the course of fulfilling its national security mission over more than 50 years, Sandia has developed deep expertise in protecting critical infrastructure. Our science and technology capabilities in this area help decision makers enhance the reliability and robustness of our critical infrastructure through the following: