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Mission Areas

Shipping port Sandia provided project management and technical support for Operation Safe Commerce, a large national program to protect shipments from terrorist threats.



Securing and controlling the U.S. borders is the  nation’s top homeland security priority.  The challenge is immense.   More than 500 million people, 9 million shipping containers, 150 million  vehicles, and 16 million trucks cross U.S. borders every year.  Amidst  this flow, the nation must detect, identify, and intercept potentially  dangerous people and goods, without impeding the flow of legitimate  cross-border commerce.

Sandia is applying its renowned capabilities in  systems analysis to fully analyze the problem—including assessing potential  threats and areas of vulnerability. Drawing from decades of experience in  physical security and systems engineering, we partner with government agencies  to develop and deploy complete solutions integrating technology and  operations.

In conjunction with the government agencies responsible for  land, sea, and air borders and points of entry, Sandia is deploying an  architecture of layered defenses, the outermost of which extend far beyond our  physical borders and involve international cooperation around the  globe.