From: Kevin Ernest Long [Kevin@WeSync.Com] Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 2:36 PM To: Subject: Docket No. 00D-1598 From: Kevin Ernest Long KevinL@TeamAware.Com 1330 SW 3rd Ave P12 Portland, OR 97201 To:, Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration; 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061; Rockville, MD 20852 Subj: Docket No. 00D-1598 Sir or Madam: Please revise your proposed rules to ensure that food producers and processors are *required* to provide clear and consistent labelling so that consumers are reliably informed whenever foods they may purchase contain genetically-tampered (aka "genetically engineered" or "genetically modified") components. Failure to do so will, in addition to the health risks created, will reduce consumer confidence in the safety of the American food supply, which the FDA was created to safeguard. Voluntary labelling schemes make as much sense as a scheme encouraging -- but not requiring -- auto makers to voluntarily install seat belts, or a voluntary cigarette labelling plan. This is a critical decision for the FDA, because millions of Americans are watching to see whether the FDA cares more about their interests or the interests of commercial agribusinesses/campaign contributors. Please don't let us down. Do the right thing and required genetically-tampered foods to be labelled so that the market can function properly and consumers can decide for themselves which producers to reward with their dollars. Thank you, /s/Kevin Long