From: David Krag, M.D. [] Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 11:04 AM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 Dear FDA, Regarding Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598: I am a physician scientist that conducts human and in vitro experiments with recombinant DNA. I am well aware of the potential problems that can occur with rearrangement of DNA. It is incredibly clear that we know very little about the translation products of DNA. We know even less about the interactions of these products with other biological substances. The products of genetically engineered cannot be recalled. With this fact in mind, even a minor detrimental outcome becomes not only permanent but widespread. Although the general public was introduced to the concept of genetically engineered foods as a method to solve worldwide starvation by introducing critical amino acids to corn or other grain products to make complete protein, this is clearly not the only goal of industry. Upon us now is a worldwide crisis of ineffective antibiotics due to emergence of resistant strains of microorganisms. They have emerged due to a selection process of overuse of antibiotics. The crisis of ineffective antibiotics due to prior and current overuse of antibiotics is relevant to genetically engineered plants. Strains of plants genetically engineered to be tolerant to or overly sensitive to synthetic or biologically endogenous chemicals may allow that strain to overgrow all other species. The imbalance of this factor cannot be predicted. The imperative to push through policies which may put at permanent risk living plants, insects, and animals is difficult to justify. I am requesting that all such foods be subjected to rigorous and fully disclosed review prior to approval. Thank you very much ****NEW EMAIL ADDRESS ALERT !!**** As of 1/1/2001 use David Krag, M.D. SD Ireland Professor of Surgical Oncology University of Vermont Given Bldg Rm E309 Burlington, Vermont 05405