From: Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 10:16 AM To: Subject: Fwd: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 In a message dated 03/26/2001 7:40:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: Dear Sir/Madam: As you review this proposed legislation, I would like to voice my concern over the lack of public knowledge as to what is going on in the process of bringing Genetically-Modified foods to the market. I believe that most people do not know or understand the science which goes on behind the development of these foods, or the potential impact of under-testing (or lack of testing). As such, I believe it is the responsibility of the FDA to require that ALL GM foods are tested and that these test results are made available to the public. Furthermore, I do believe it is critical, if nothing else is done to protect the public, that at the very least, all GM foods should be LABELED as such. If the companies who develop these foods have nothing to hide, they should not fear labeling. The very fact that a law must be passed to force them to label their foods as GM, indicates to me that there may be unresolved problems in their development. Please be sure to include the following in your regulations (these are not included currently in your proposed legislation): a.. Require mandatory pre-market safety testing. It has taken our modern technical world too many years to identify what we now call conventional pollutants. This process took many years and too many people were victims before polluters were stopped. But with GM, an unsafe product can potentially cause any number of long term effects. The fact is, scientist don't really know what the long term effects will be.This kind of damage cannot be undone. Just look at the many examples of bringing in a new species to the wrong environment (not GE, but only introduction): 'killer-bees' and nutria are two small examples. They are tolerable, but we can't afford a mistake with our agriculture industry. B. Require pre-market environmental review. The FDA must require mandatory pre-market long-term health testing. GE products could be toxic, cause allergic responses, have lower nutritional value, and compromise immune responses in consumers. C. Require MANDATORY labeling of GE foods. Without mandatory labeling, neither consumers nor health professionals will know if an allergic or toxic reaction was the result of a genetically engineered food. Consumers would be deprived of the critical knowledge needed to hold food producers liable should any of these novel products be hazardous. Regardless of any other decision, PLEASE require labeling so the informed consumer may chose! D. Do not restrict voluntary labeling of non-GE foods. This is also a way for people to be able to chose products which do not use GM foods. We should all have the right to chose what goes into our bodies. E. Ensure public access to adequate information for independent review. The very idea that a company can put scientifically modified food on the market without public review is outrageous. The public has a right to know, and access should be made without difficulty. I would point to how the EPA managed the 'right-to-know' laws. These laws did not shut down corporate interests. Please be sure that these regulations protect the public (your job) and not the industry groups (they have plenty of people including lobbyists and lawyers who already do that for them). I want to be able to chose what risks I take with my food and my body. And that includes whether I eat GM foods. Protect my rights to be able to do that without having to hire a private detective to find out the information that I need to know. >> Sincerely, Mrs. Charles Clark 2240 Cox Road Cocoa, FL 32926