From: Kottke, Larry [] Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 8:32 AM To: '' Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 To Gov. Regulators, I would like to take this opportunity to express my concern for the Genetically Engineered (GE) food products now being allowed into our food supply. I ask that the government consider the following: The FDA must require mandatory pre-market comprehensive environmental review. The FDA must require mandatory pre-market long-term health testing. GE products could be toxic, cause allergic responses, have lower nutritional value, and compromise immune responses in consumers. The FDA must require mandatory labeling of GE products. The FDA must end its cozy relationship with the industries it purports to be regulating. People have been allowed to work for a biotech company, then work for the FDA writing the regulatory rules on that company's product, then go back to working for the company. Ninety-two percent of FDA advisory committee meetings had at least one conflict of interterest. As a U.S. citizen I asked that these concerns be addressed promptly in any upcoming legislation. Larry Kottke Contracts Manager Global Supply Base Mgmt PH: 704-509-7620 FAX: 704-509-8137 Pager: 800-538-7416 Mobile: 704-236-8876 Email: