From: david bergstein [] Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 7:10 PM To: Dear FDA Commissioner, > >The proposed Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations fail to >require labels or safety tests on genetically engineered (GE) food. The >new rules continue to deny Americans the right to know what is in our >food, while protecting the economic interests of biotech corporations. > >Labeling GE foods would protect the public from potential hazardous >health effects such as food allergies and toxicity that can only be traced >if GE foods can be identified. By refusing to require both labeling and >mandatory pre-market safety testing of foods, the FDA puts consumer's >health at risk, ignores possible environmental hazards, and fails to >satisfy >the overwhelming desire of American consumers to exercise freedom >of choice in the marketplace. > >It is not enough to require that firms simply notify you of their intent to >market a food produced with genetic engineering; this is no substitute for >thorough pre-market safety testing. The proposed "voluntary labeling" >guidelines will do nothing to inform consumers of the presence of >genetically engineered ingredients in their food, because biotech companies >and food manufacturers have vehemently opposed labeling in the past and >will >not voluntarily label their foods in the future. > >Therefore, I urge you to keep all genetically engineered ingredients and >crops off the market unless or until: > >1) Independent safety testing demonstrates they have no harmful effects >on human health or the environment; > >2) They are labeled to ensure consumers¹ right-to-know; and > >3) The biotechnology corporations that produce them are held responsible >for any harms they may cause. > >Sincerely, > > David Bergstein