From: Sandi "HealingSpirit Bear" [] Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 5:59 PM To: Subject: GMO/ No I have worked with people who have allergies bad enough it has put them in hospital ER rooms. They ate a food that for all intentional purpose was without a ingreadiant they could not wheat,dairy, yeast, fish,shell fish ,shrimp. ect. Because of how the regulations are written key info did not have to be written in or down if it was not traceable by most testing. I personal did a phone search for a customer over several days. (after recieving a long distance call) They ended up in the ER ...they had bought a product from our store. It was stated to not have wheat or wheat products in it. Apond getting back to the was found that it was true only in-part. Trace amounts could be present from one run to another...even if they tested to be there...if they were in small enough amounts . They did not have to be stated on the ingrediants lable. This person after haveing one - two small servings.. Had to be admitted. They lost wages and a life long condition to which they work very hard to keep under control has now been made irrepairible & worse. They are Gluttin intollerant. Now seeds are being altered by science..being spliced to none related matter. Tomatoes to a fish dna...corn plants ect. how are you so sure that in the long term this is truely safe for any living being including our planet? Long term testing is needed. Not only for GMO plants..but for cloning of livestock...Clones are already showing weakness in genetics faster than in the natural world. We are not God..& all knowing. Caution stop Look Listen to Universal Laws of Nature. I do not want to damage further this beautiful Earth we have to take care of. What will happen to our future Children...who we need to feed. Please People think for your self..check out what your heart this a good thing? I vote that it is Not a good thing. A very concern Person _______________________________________________________ Send a cool gift with your E-Card