From: Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 5:27 PM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket OOD-1598 I have been greatly distressed at the FDA's chosen position with respect to genetically engineered or modified food. Corporations have no vested interest in the safety and long-term health of the American food supply, only in short-term economic gain. It is the FDA's mandate to rein in and make accountable these corporations. I am outraged that the FDA does not require mandatory labeling of all foods containing genetically engineered products. THIS IS THE BARE MINIMUM. Consumers must be given the clear choice if they so choose not to ingest such foods. Furthermore, should the FDA adopt the proposed rules, it will have shirked its duty to the American public it is charged to protect. Not only do the proposed rules fail to acknowledge the potential for financial losses for the American farmer by losing EU markets, but your proposed rules ignore mandatory basic pre-market human safety and ecological testing. Longterm health concerns likewise are not addressed by this lack of mandatory testing. Show your comittment to a safe food supply for current and future generations by moving cautiously, prudently, wisely in your proposed regulations for a new and potentially unpredictable technology. James Flory Dayton, Virginia