From: Steven Markell [] Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 2:39 PM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 Regarding the labeling of genetically engineered products, I STRONGLY request that you adopt the following policies: * Require mandatory pre-market safety testing * Require pre-market environmental review * Require mandatory labeling of GE foods * DO NOT restrict voluntary labeling of non-GE foods * Require all of the above prior to the marketing of a GE food * Ensure public access to adequate information for independent review I am a nutritional biochemist and have been studying this issue since the middle 1970's when I worked in the labs at UC Berkeley developing plasmid transfer technology for the purpose of cross species genetic material transfer. Many of us knew that this would eventually be used to manipulate the food supply and had grave reservations about the whole matter. It looks like we were right. DO NOT ALLOW GMO'S TO BECOME INSERTED INTO THE FOOD SUPPLY! IF YOU LAPDOGS OF INDUSTRY DO CAVE IN, REQUIRE THE LABELING SO THAT WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN CHOICES AND ALLOW THE FREE MARKET TO DICTATE THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF THIS TECHNOLOGY! Thank you. Steven Markell Costa Mesa, CA 92626