From: Eric Dimick Eastman [] Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 10:25 AM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 To Whom it May Concern, In general I support the research and consumer availability of Genetically Modified Foods. However, I am quite concerned about new regulations for Genetically Altered Foods. As a consumer, I feel that I have a right to buy or not buy any product for any reason. One thing that makes America great is that consumers, without a lot of background research, can go into a store, compare products and prices based on reliable information, and walk out with whatever they want. Failure to label GM (and non-GM) foods harms this system. I have heard industry representatives say that if these products are labeled accurately they will not sell (or not sell as well). That strikes me as the strongest argument FOR labeling. If the American consumer wants these products she should be able to get them, if not, she can't be tricked into buying them when she thought she was getting something else. If I were to produce a new make of car, I couldn't just convince myself that it is at least as good as a Ford Escort and then pretend it is one. That would negate the American experiment. Thanks for your consideration, Eric