From: joan adkins [] Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 9:36 AM To: Subject: comments to the top... Come on people, You know and we know what's needed here... It is past time to require health and ecological safety testing and mandatory labeling on GE products and foods. This isn't a question of us and them. Not doing so puts your own health and your own environment at risk and you don't know what you are eating. You hold in your hands the power to irreparably change the ecosystem and the germ plasm that our civilization has to work with. Has no one in any of your families allergies to existing foods? How long did it take for the doctors to determine what was the source of that allergy? Or have they yet? Do you really think it's in the general public's best interest to increase that level of susceptibility to the point that we have no idea what we are creating that is making us sick? So, do you choose to act responsibly and mandate that all possible safety precautions are met, ensuring that proper scientific precautions are screened before these products are responsibly put to the consumers in a confident, (Not sneaking in through the back door like a thief in the night) labeled manner? Or is it after all, a question of who's in bed with whom, who rides in whose back pocket, how quickly can I achieve "success" within this company or placate the interests of these corporate powers? Wake up folks, greater civilizations than ours have suffered their demise from failing to ensure a diverse and safe food supply existed for their populations. Does history have to repeat itself with your assistance or do you accept the fact that we have encouraged all these great men and women to educate themselves in these areas of science so that we can in fact listen to them, heeding their warnings of the dangers of not being cautious as we proceed through these very precarious waters? Further comments available at above email address. We don't know each other, but we both belong to the same species and our self-preservation should be our main concern. Thank you for reading this. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at