From: Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 9:28 AM To: Cc: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 $ Docket 00D-1598 I am a consumer and it is only fair to have mandatory testing and proper labeling of foods that are genetically tested. I have seen good and bad effects from this such as more insect and disease resistant plants that produce more yields and MAD Cow disease. I think we should not play with nature so much. Things that are not natural such as feeding cow parts to cows may have caused a disease as Mad cow disease. Decreased regulation of such an industry may be hazardous to the consumers, such as me and my children and their children after that. Please, require mandatory pre-market testing prior to human consumption of all genetically engineered foods, require mandatory labeling of all GE foods, and require that all information regarding GE foods be made accessible to the public. Thank you very much and hope this will help enlighten you about my concern as a consumer. Respectfully yours, Mr. Frank Moritz II and Dr. Marissa Vito Cruz