From: Marquart [] Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 6:18 AM To: Subject: Genetically Engineered What? Once upon a time...a long, long time ago...the hunters and gatherers fought many dangers in order to provide themselves and their family groups with food. Their were lions and tigers and bears!...and things that go bump in the dark! Today, we are so very fortunate...we have protection from such dangers because the hero FDA came from a faraway land and moved into the peoples lives so that they could provide a safe environment for all human creatures in their quest for healthy survival in gathering food. The people grew to trust the established order of American pride in farmers and the land, growing and raising healthy food on the earth that was pure and healthy too. We grew to trust in the manufacture of our food goods in healthy and pure facilities that provide uniform standards of cleanliness and safety in order to assure us that we would have the best possible healthy and pure food as well. The future holds many wonders and the curious and intelligent humans are always looking for ways to improve their surroundings to benefit everyone. The future has arrived! boys and girls!! The ultimate improvement is here! Not only are we all protected from the long ago dangers of hunting and gathering for our food, but now we are going to be able to sustain ourselves with food that is protected from all natural is the Hercules Food! The final answer...the ultimate answer...provide the food with all protection from harm, leave nothing to natural chance...control all outcomes!...and provide the very best solution to all harm...genetically alter, create, engineer the food that is provided so now the ultimate control has been achieved! Give thanks to the FDA god for providing us, the undeserving masses, from having to make choices about our food! We can now sleep easily because all dangers have been eliminated!