From: Steven and Maureen Birnie [] Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 2:25 PM To: Subject: re:dockets 00N-1396 aaaaand OOD-1598 To whom it may concern, I read with much concern and disbelief the proposal that will allow GM foods to be available to the consumer without having to be labelled as such. But, I ask myself why I am surprised when the FDA approves 90% of the junk on grocery shelves to be labelled as food and sold as such. I am a conscientious consumer and a healthy , thin one at that (unlike the vast majority of Americans) - one who is concerned with what goes in my body. I have joined an organic food co-op and try to buy organic as often as possible mainly because I have lost faith in the FDA and the food available in this country. I urge you not to approve this proposal and certainly not to have the healthy organic producers be the ones who have to bear the financial burden of labelling their food as healthy- have the major, money.making corporations who are producing their junk -and dangerous junk at that -label their foods as poison- it's rewuired for cigarettes and alcohol- why not their "food". a concerned and upset citizen, Maureen Birnie