From: Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 11:11 AM To: Subject: Docket # 98P-0151/CP1 Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing to inform you of my concern regarding petition (Docket # 98P-0151/CP1) which is currently before the Food and Drug Administration to prohibit the slaughter of 'downed' animals. As you know this petition stems from the basis that animals too sick to even stand should not enter the human food chain, due to the increased risk of bacterial contamination, and evidence that some downed cows may even be afflicted with a form of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or "Mad Cow Disease". I think it is in the interest of the FDA to ensure our food supply is safe and allowing downed animals to be included in the food supply can cannot be safe for human consumption. I am also concerned about the treatment of the downed animals because there is no humane way to move a downed animal; they are typically dragged with chains, or lifted with a forklift, causing suffering and further injuries. Downed animals comprise a very small percentage of animals slaughtered, and prohibiting their marketing would cause no undue economic hardship. There is growing consensus for such a prohibition, even among livestock industry and government officials. The USDA has already instituted a policy of refusing to accept meat from downed animals for the National School Lunch Program, and numerous beef, dairy, and pork industry representatives have voiced support for such a prohibition. Please consider granting Docket # 98P-0151/CP1 to ensure a safe food supply and to improve conditions for animals used in food production. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Kristina A. Gray