From: Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 4:28 PM To:; Subject: Petition for testing and mandatory labeling for genetically engineered foods RE: Docket No. 00P-1211/CP1 Dear Commissioner Henney, I am sure you are aware of the controversy over GMO & BST in our foods. I have at this time, decided to no longer purchase any product ,that has or even is suspected of containing these altered food additives. I believe that GMO's & BST in our food supply are causing illness and great harm to the public. The fact that the chemical companies, certain food manufactures and the FDA, are working against the American public to keep these foods unlabeled, only confirms my suspicion, that these foods are not fit for human consumption. Once GMO organisms are released into the environment, they are no longer retrievable, these organisms only support more unexpected toxins, allergies and there are no long term studies proving that genetically engineered foods are safe. BST has been linked to an increase of certain cancers and illness. Recent studies have shown an increase in pesticides, herbicides and rBGH are causing an increase in illness. Women and children are the most susc! eptible to these environmental hazards. Roundup ready seeds are not only detrimental to our health, but our environment. I am already in the process of keeping a list of all manufactures and I will NOT be spending any of my hard earned dollars, on any food product that is not labeled ORGANIC or NON-GMO, unless I have written documentation, guaranteeing me that a manufactures food product is free of GMO's and BST. If you are able to provide me with a written statement that your foods do not contain GMO's or BST, please do forward a copy to me. I will also be more than happy to forward a copy to my friends and family. I urge you to take a step of responsibility for human health and not to include GMO's or BST, into any of your products. I as a consumer, will not support any manufacturer who dose not take into account, the health of the public. On March 21, 2000, Greenpeace and a coalition of over 50 family farm, consumer and environmental groups joined the Center for Food Safety in a petition to the FDA demanding the development of a thorough pre-market and environmental testing regime for genetically engineered foods and mandatory labeling of such foods. I am writing for submission to the official rulemaking docket (#00P-1211/CP1) in support of that action. As a concerned citizen, I urge the FDA to require the labeling and pre-market safety testing of genetically engineered foods. We have an absolute right to know what is in the food that we are purchasing , as well as how it was produced. Scientists and doctors have warned that these crops may have unexpected side-effects in the diet and the environment, and there is no evidence that these foods are safe in the long-run. Please take action to ensure that our health and environment are not put at risk. Sincerely, Robin Stone 3259 Cottonwood Ct. Kissimmee FL 34746