From: Paula Carey [] Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 6:00 PM To: Subject: scents being labeled Dear FDA, About the proposed warning-labeling of scents: I am a chemically injured citizen (injured at work) and have varying degrees of reaction to CHEMICALLY-DERIVED FAKE SCENTS. These are anything from muscle failure (I physically collapse, causing risk to my person) to immediate migrane headaches, asthma attacks (the coughing variety where I cannot catch my breath called Reactive Airway Disease), dizziness, loss of speech, unclarity of thought, nausea, muscle spasms, wheezing, loss of vocabulary and prolonged/later reactions of sleeplessness, flu symptoms including vomiting, dizziness, fever, reduced immune function, etc. Please label the chemically derived fake scents as what they are A HEALTH HAZARD! Especially so to children and in-utero fetuses that have no voice to speak up about the damage that is done from second hand chemical fumes!!!! Stop the carnage. Paula Carey POB 880858 PUKALANI HI 96788 808-572-5998 _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at