From: ralev [] Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 2:56 PM To: Subject: Docket No. 98P-0151/CP1 Dear Madam or Sir: I am writing to urge you to grant petition 98P-0151/CP1 to prohibit the slaughter of downed animals. Animals who are too sick or injured even to stand should not be allowed to enter the human food chain. In addition to posing an increased risk for bacterial contamination, there is evidence that some downed animals may be afflicated with a form of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or "Mad Cow Disease"), a disease which has been linked to fatal human illness (CJD or Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease). Also, industry experts have estimated that 90% of downed animals can be prevented with better care and handling. Removing the marked for downed animals will provide an incentive to industry to prevent downed animals in the first place. I urge you to grant petition 98P-0151/CP1. Thank you. Sincerely, Robin Levin