From: Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 11:28 AM To: Subject: "No Downers" - Docket No. 98P-0151/CP1 Dear Sirs, I would urge you to grant the above petition to prohibit the slaughter of downed animals. It is impossible to move downed animals humanely, and they are typically pushed with tractors or dragged with chains - inhumane processes which cause injuries ranging from bruises and abrasions, to broken bones and torn ligaments. Downed animals comprise a very small percentage of animals slaughtered, and prohibiting their marketing will cause no undue economic hardship. Industry experts have estimated that 90% of downed animals can be prevented with better care and handling. Removing the market for downed animals will provide an incentive to industry to prevent downed animals in the first place. Thank you for your consideration and compassion. Ginnie Grevett