Food and Drug Administration, Dockets Management Branch, 5630 Fishers Lane - Room 1061- HFA-305, Rockville, MD, 20852; 301-827-6860; Fax 301-827-6870  [E-mail]  

DOCKETS ENTERED on May 11, 2000

Table of Contents

(Hyper links are part of the Docket  title - not all dockets/documents are linked)


93N-0372 Medical Devices; Hearing Aid Requirements *
99P-4613 Revoke the Regulation That Approved Posilac *
00P-1275 Health Claim: Vegetable oil sterol esters & coronary heart d *
93N-0372 Medical Devices; Hearing Aid Requirements

C 4342 Lawrence Huston Vol#: 76

C 4343 Robert Miller Vol#: 76

C 4344 William Bowen Vol#: 76

C 4345 Rita Briggs Vol#: 76

C 4346 Glenna Lewis Vol#: 76

C 4347 Richard Savin Vol#: 76

C 4348 S.D. Byrd Vol#: 76

C 4349 Claude Haynes Vol#: 76

C 4350 Thomas O'Malley Vol#: 76

C 4351 Ethelind Morrison Vol#: 76

C 4352 Carmine Guica Vol#: 76

C 4353 David Handley Vol#: 76

C 4354 Joseph Faries Vol#: 76

C 4355 Robert Skelton Vol#: 76

C 4356 Rosemary Fales Vol#: 76

C 4357 Royce Strube Vol#: 76

C 4358 Wallace Morioka Vol#: 76

C 4359 Arnie Chernoff Vol#: 76

C 4360 Lo Vona Manuel Vol#: 76

C 4361 Jerry Carman Vol#: 76

C 4362 Gladys Dudding Vol#: 76

C 4363 Raymond Hamilton Vol#: 76

C 4364 Mary Palmer Vol#: 76

C 4365 Janet Gooch Vol#: 76

C 4366 John Sarkela Vol#: 76

C 4367 Paul Roark Vol#: 76

C 4368 Jim Glathaar Vol#: 76

C 4369 John Watson Vol#: 76

C 4370 Grace Boyer Vol#:

C 4371 Caroline Ryder Vol#: 76

C 4372 John Hess Vol#: 76

C 4373 H. Vought Vol#: 76

C 4374 John Trump Vol#: 76

C 4375 Russell Robbens Vol#: 76

C 4376 Charles Lloyd Vol#: 76

C 4377 Arthur Debb Vol#: 76

C 4378 John Umble Vol#: 76

C 4379 Marla Hanson Vol#: 76

C 4380 Robert Barry Vol#: 76

C 4381 Mabel Smith Vol#: 76

C 4382 Don Balloid Vol#: 76

C 4383 Charles Edmonds Vol#: 76

C 4384 Daniel Chromich Vol#: 76

C 4385 Gorgia Moorhead Vol#: 76

C 4386 Bill Flyn Vol#: 76

C 4387 Jerome Layfield Vol#: 76

C 4388 Louis Lane Vol#: 76

C 4389 Elaine Green Vol#: 76

C 4390 William Gordon Vol#: 76

C 4391 Chet Skendzel Vol#: 76

C 4392 James Horn Vol#: 76

C 4393 Unlegible Vol#: 76

C 4394 Dee Nelson Vol#: 76

C 4395 Cavelton Anderson Vol#: 76

C 4396 R.T. Duggoer Vol#: 76

C 4397 Jack Vicars Vol#: 76

C 4398 Joseph Hafeli Vol#: 76

C 4399 U.R. Hall Vol#: 76

C 4400 Edward Phelan Vol#: 76

C 4401 Tom Lley Vol#: 76

C 4402 James Wisley Vol#: 76

C 4403 Scholtens Vol#: 76

C 4404 Richard Rentscheller Vol#: 76

C 4405 Howard Burr Vol#: 76

C 4406 Thomas Priffein Vol#:

C 4407 Alfred Dunham Vol#: 76

C 4408 Warren Sregory Vol#: 76

C 4409 Josephine Stoecker Vol#: 76

C 4410 Lawrence Mitchell Vol#: 76

C 4411 Patricia Brightbill Vol#: 76

98F-1019 Polyurethane Resins


NFR 1 Vol#: 1

99F-1910 The safe use 2-[4,6-bis(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2

NFR 1 Vol#: 1

99N-4282 Biotechnology in the Year 2000 and Beyond; Public Meetings

C 11753 Camille Kerper Vol#: 369

C 11754 Debbie Blue Vol#: 369

C 11755 Kathi Taylor Vol#: 369

C 11756 Joleen Clark Vol#: 369

C 11757 Bert & Sara Wallace Vol#: 369

C 11758 Tery Smith Vol#: 369

C 11759 Jim Ryan Vol#: 369

C 11760 Karen W. Hayward Vol#: 369

C 11761 T. J. Grindstaff Whitehead Vol#: 369

C 11762 R. Whitehead Vol#: 369

C 11763 Carol Baroff Vol#: 369

C 11764 Michael Cooke Vol#: 369

C 11765 L. Leach Vol#: 369

C 11766 Janice L. Rayman Vol#: 369

C 11767 Malcolm Rea Vol#: 369

C 11768 Kristin Atwell Vol#: 369

C 11769 Stephen Higgins Vol#: 369

C 11770 Amy J. Marshall Vol#: 369

C 11771 A. Weber Vol#: 369

C 11772 John J. Bodor Vol#: 369

C 11773 Dr. & Mrs. A. Karwishcher Vol#: 369

C 11774 Kathy Mazurkiewicz Vol#: 369

C 11775 Julie Sobhack Vol#: 369

C 11776 Rebecca E. Argabrite Vol#: 369

C 11777 Laura J. Merrill Vol#: 369

C 11778 Daphne A. Jenkins Vol#: 369

C 11779 Denise Miles-Foges Vol#: 369

C 11780 Arlene Hoysenko Vol#: 369

C 11781 June Rohla Vol#: 369

C 11782 Sandra J. Wright Vol#: 369

C 11783 Tom & Georgia Bonnell Vol#: 369

C 11784 Les Longmire Vol#: 369

C 11785 Linda R. Keenan Vol#: 369

C 11786 Nancy A. Meredith Vol#: 369

C 11787 L. C. Hardin Vol#: 369

C 11788 Ona Delano Vol#: 369

C 11789 Dana Goering Vol#: 369

C 11790 John & Debbie Humphreys Vol#: 369

C 11791 Michael & Eileen Morrison Vol#: 369

C 11792 Jeanette Settle Vol#: 369

C 11793 Elizabeth J. Smith Vol#: 369

C 11794 Eileen Zack Vol#: 369

C 11795 Mary Vignola Vol#: 369

C 11796 Renee Shulman Vol#: 369

C 11797 Annie O'Reilly Vol#: 369

C 11798 Rosemarie Stepanik Vol#: 369

C 11799 Nancy Van Lente Vol#: 369

C 11800 Debra A. Wedinger Vol#: 369

C 11801 Mary Gove Macey Vol#: 369

C 11802 Beverly Ellingwood Vol#: 369

C 11803 Muriel Alimpch Vol#: 369

C 11804 Neil Gillooly Vol#: 369

C 11805 Noah L. Steiner Vol#: 369

C 11806 Gwen McHugh Vol#: 369

C 11807 Tiffany Sean Rodman Vol#: 369

C 11808 Catherine Miller Vol#: 369

C 11809 Judith L. Gurley Vol#: 369

C 11810 Betti F. Baxter Vol#: 369

C 11811 Micki Weigel Vol#: 369

C 11812 Dawna Hallsted-Cuny Vol#: 369

C 11813 Diana Feile Vol#: 369

C 11814 Linda Laydens Vol#: 369

C 11815 Karen Tomey Vol#: 369

C 11816 Ray Barry Vol#: 369

C 11817 D. J. Simitz Vol#: 369

C 11818 David A. Greene Vol#: 369

C 11819 Linda E. Malam Vol#: 369

C 11820 Evelyn S. Baum Vol#: 369

C 11821 Rose Ellis Vol#: 369

C 11822 Nancy & Mark McCall Vol#: 369

C 11823 Helen P. Morgan Vol#: 369

C 11824 Elizabeth McClure Vol#: 369

C 11825 Sarah & Jerry Triplett Vol#: 369

C 11826 Emillie Skinner Vol#: 369

C 11827 Andrea Pelosi Vol#: 369

C 11828 A. Y. Ellingsen Vol#: 369

C 11829 Kathleen Needels Vol#: 369

C 11830 Katherine Hooper Vol#: 369

C 11831 Marian B. Royal Vol#: 369

C 11832 Bryan Green Vol#: 369

C 11833 Barbara Calandra Vol#: 369

C 11834 Grace Griffiths Vol#: 369

C 11835 Lisa L. Ware Vol#: 369

C 11836 Deborah McNair Vol#: 369

C 11837 Elisabeth Joubert Vol#: 369

C 11838 Mr & Mrs Arthur M. Goodman Vol#: 369

C 11839 Eugene & Lori Casy Vol#: 369

C 11840 Denise Ellis Vol#: 369

C 11841 Fred Homeck Vol#: 369

C 11842 C. Esposito Vol#: 369

C 11843 Donne Whisenand Vol#: 369

C 11844 Dana & Lester Mark Vol#: 369

C 11845 Kay Heizer Vol#: 369

C 11846 Huberta Yaron Vol#: 369

C 11847 Pat Allin Vol#: 369

C 11848 Diane Strong Vol#: 369

C 11849 Margaret Bahny Vol#: 369

C 11850 Sheila Marie Frendenberger Vol#: 369

C 11851 Kenneth Madden Vol#: 369

C 11852 Arlene Crawford Vol#: 369

C 11853 Nina Eaton Vol#: 369

C 11854 Sarah Plants Vol#: 369

C 11855 Kenneth C. Smalley Vol#: 369

C 11856 Jo Ann S. Moore Vol#: 369

C 11857 Shirley Dowling & Carl Richter Vol#: 369

C 11858 Caesar Fucci Vol#: 369

C 11859 A. Cittadine Vol#: 369

C 11860 Eileen A. Keen Vol#: 369

C 11861 David Allessio Vol#: 369

C 11862 Mary Haycox Vol#: 369

C 11863 Carol A. Smarr Vol#: 369

C 11864 Mariah A. Larkin Vol#: 369

C 11865 Jess Guttard Vol#: 369

C 11866 Liz Frautschi Vol#: 369

C 11867 Jennifer Herron Vol#: 369

C 11868 Anne Mason Vol#: 369

C 11869 Kerry Bitler Vol#: 369

C 11870 Patrick Simpson Vol#: 369

C 11871 Lorna D. Creveling Vol#: 369

C 11872 Mr & Mrs Mike Elberger Vol#: 369

C 11873 Alice Ross Vol#: 369

C 11874 Mrs Leo Burzyck Vol#: 369

C 11875 Ann Adams Vol#: 369

C 11876 P. J. Bontrager Vol#: 369

C 11877 Cathy Darling Vol#: 369

C 11878 Geraltn M. Oster Vol#: 369

C 11879 Georgia Gilley Vol#: 369

C 11880 Richard B. Wheeler Vol#: 369

C 11881 William B. Mueller Vol#: 369

C 11882 Kevin Jeffreys Vol#: 369

C 11883 R. Waller Vol#: 369

C 11884 Joe Klatt Vol#: 369

C 11885 Samantha Marie Hinkle Vol#: 370

C 11886 Susan Schoeffler Vol#: 370

C 11887 Lindsay Patterson Vol#: 370

C 11888 Ryan Bell Vol#: 370

C 11889 Lea Baumgartner Vol#: 370

C 11890 Colleen B. White Vol#: 370

C 11891 Mr & Mrs Alan Reynolds Vol#: 370

C 11892 Elaina L. Beppler Vol#: 370

C 11893 P. Dianne Rich Vol#: 370

C 11894 Karen Chapman Vol#: 370

C 11895 Gale Wood Vol#: 370

C 11896 Helen Sawai Vol#: 370

C 11897 Nancy Horrisberger Vol#: 370

C 11898 Lisa David Vol#: 370

C 11899 Donna Tarbania Vol#: 370

C 11900 Rosemary Sawyer Vol#: 370

C 11901 Natalie Walsh Vol#: 370

C 11902 Samuel Spencer Hackley Vol#: 370

C 11903 Katherine E. Jenkins Vol#: 370

C 11904 Penelope M. Fine Vol#: 370

C 11905 Mr & Mrs Carl E. Younglue Vol#: 370

C 11906 Rhonda A. Domon Vol#: 370

C 11907 Sylvette Astis Vol#: 370

C 11908 Sarah Goldbaum Vol#: 370

C 11909 Dru Saunders Vol#: 370

C 11910 Dawn Martinez Vol#: 370

C 11911 Sheila Hofstedt Vol#: 370

C 11912 C. Grossman Vol#: 370

C 11913 Neil Ratzlaff Vol#: 370

C 11914 Harvey Daniels Vol#: 370

C 11915 Oscar Heuberger Vol#: 370

C 11916 Allen Potter Vol#: 370

C 11917 Helen Randall Vol#: 370

C 11918 Laura Hughes Vol#: 370

C 11919 Cece Statler Vol#: 370

C 11920 Barbara J. Hawkins Vol#: 370

C 11921 Douglas M. Kirkpatrick Vol#: 370

C 11922 Pierre & Anna Joseph Vol#: 370

C 11923 Ann M. Propst Vol#: 370

C 11924 Jill North Vol#: 370

C 11925 Michelle Strong Vol#: 370

C 11926 Geraldine Chrivia Vol#: 370

C 11927 Howard & Annie Voss-Altman Vol#: 370

C 11928 Arleen Alomia Vol#: 370

C 11929 Stephanie Hastings Vol#: 370

C 11930 Joan C. Charles Vol#: 370

C 11931 Mary H. Mays Vol#: 370

C 11932 Kate Decomo Vol#: 370

C 11933 Donald E. Ferguson Vol#: 370

C 11934 Barbara Schwering Vol#: 370

C 11935 Maureen Q. Kaplan Vol#: 370

C 11936 Janet Ashmun Vol#: 370

C 11937 Katrina Klinge Vol#: 370

C 11938 Charles S. Thompson Vol#: 370

C 11939 Fred W. Roeck Vol#: 370

C 11940 Kit Stephenson Vol#: 370

C 11941 David L. Malam Vol#: 370

C 11942 Ginger Cochron Vol#: 370

C 11943 Penny L. McMillen Vol#: 370

C 11944 Diana Watters Vol#: 370

C 11945 Melinda Hennig Vol#: 370

C 11946 Ann Williamson Vol#: 370

C 11947 Lucinda Rarick Vol#: 370

C 11948 Donald Edward Finning Vol#: 370

C 11949 Corinne Yananton Vol#: 370

C 11950 Sally Lathrop Vol#: 370

C 11951 Yvette Gonzales Vol#: 370

C 11952 Cynthia Cawelt-Forcier Vol#: 370

C 11953 Rebecca Ake Vol#: 370

C 11954 Cori Saraf Vol#: 370

C 11955 Arlene Hueholt Vol#: 370

C 11956 Louis Bresinski Vol#: 370

C 11957 Rev. V. Donald Emmel Vol#: 370

C 11958 Heidie Boynton Vol#: 370

C 11959 Johnny & Teresa Johnson Vol#: 370

C 11960 Lawrence Grassi Vol#: 370

C 11961 Laurel Major Vol#: 370

C 11962 Lynn Conley Vol#: 370

C 11963 R. Sheila Penners Vol#: 370

C 11964 Prof. Em. Bekir Arpag Vol#: 370

C 11965 David & Patti Reppun Vol#: 370

C 11966 Brooke L. Witte Vol#: 370

C 11967 Jami Tolpin Vol#: 370

C 11968 35 Trade Associations Vol#: 370

C 11969 Mildred Weinstein Vol#: 370

C 11970 The Formica's Vol#: 370

C 11971 Judith Bull Vol#: 370

C 11972 Miriam Goldman Vol#: 370

C 11973 Katie Iannicelli Vol#: 370

C 11974 Ingeborg Kuhn Vol#: 370

C 11975 Aubry Vestal Vol#: 370

C 11976 Barbara L. Guest Vol#: 370

C 11977 Coral Bryant Vol#: 370

C 11978 Cathy Sullivan Vol#: 370

C 11979 Kathleen O'Connor & Frederick Spence Vol#: 370

C 11980 Vikki Walton Vol#: 370

C 11981 Eileen Paris + 85 signatures Vol#: 370

C 11982 Susie Karsky Vol#: 370

EMC 2225 Jeannie Crumb Vol#: 370

EMC 2226 Tim Brown Vol#: 370

EMC 2227 Lester Maas Vol#: 370

EMC 2228 Dolly A. Clark Vol#: 370

EMC 2229 Jeanette Schuler Vol#: 370

EMC 2230 Janet Hopkins Vol#: 370

EMC 2231 Lesley Wright Vol#: 370

EMC 2232 A'me L. Ruggles Vol#: 370

EMC 2233 Susan J. Smith Vol#: 370

EMC 2234 Ann Weller Vol#: 370

EMC 2235 Dr. & Mrs. Epstein Vol#: 370

EMC 2236 Pegi Engelman-Loose Vol#: 370

EMC 2237 Randy & Lisa Stillions Vol#: 370

EMC 2238 Sue Haley Vol#: 370

EMC 2239 Tammy DeMeere Vol#: 370

EMC 2240 Penny Barrett Hornsby Vol#: 370

99P-4613 Revoke the Regulation That Approved Posilac

ACK 2 HFA-305 Vol#: 24

C 142 Mrs. Casas Vol#: 24

C 143 Joanna Beebe Vol#: 24

C 144 J. Capozzelli Vol#: 24

C 145 Jacqueline Powers Vol#: 24

C 146 Shawna Owen Vol#: 24

C 147 Diane Riel Vol#: 24

C 148 Ms Helen Viloria Vol#: 24

C 149 C. Bingham Vol#: 24

C 150 Janice Emich Vol#: 24

C 151 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Evans Vol#: 24

C 152 Donna Worthington Vol#: 24

C 153 Juliet Bonazzoli & Family Vol#: 24

C 154 Chris Drumright Vol#: 24

EMC 2056 Monica Jankowski Vol#: 24

EMC 2057 Cynthia Liepmann Vol#: 24

EMC 2058 Anne Wasserman Vol#: 24

EMC 2059 William McMullin Vol#: 24

EMC 2060 Susan Arndt Vol#: 24

EMC 2061 Ann Myers Vol#: 24

EMC 2062 Heather Dunham Vol#: 24

EMC 2063 Kathy White Vol#: 24

EMC 2064 Sharon Whytal Vol#: 24

EMC 2065 Miriam Abramson Vol#: 24

EMC 2066 Mark Williston Vol#: 24

EMC 2067 Michele Snyder Vol#: 24

EMC 2068 Ellen Pauly Vol#: 24

EMC 2069 Form letters count 23 Vol#: 25

LET 4 HFC-1 to Mr. Robert Cohen Vol#: 24

PRC 1 Robert Cohen Vol#: 24

00N-0085 Food Contact Substance Notification System

NFR 1 Vol#: 1

NPR 1 Vol#: 1

00N-0598 Dietary Supplement Health Claim/Implementation of Pearson De

C 17 Pharmacia Corporation (Monsanto Company) Vol#: 4

C 18 American Dietetic Association Vol#: 4

EMC 31 Research-based Dietary Ingredient Assn Vol#: 4

TS 26 Grocery Manufacturers of America Inc Vol#: 4

00P-1275 Health Claim: Vegetable oil sterol esters & coronary heart d

CP 1 Lipton Vol#: 1