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     Corporate Archives Advisory Board Members have had a very productive year.  John Duncan and Harold Rarrick reviewed 102 boxes of Corporate Archive records and made disposition recommendations.  A transcription of an interview with member Carl S. Smith and co-worker Ron Haid on the history of drafting was completed.  Rose Cordova helped to process Facilities correspondence.  Bob Alexander has reviewed Security records in the Archives and determined that we have a representative cross-section of records.  Ben Benjamin reviewed historic film and helped to secure equipment to make this ongoing job easier.

Fay Rose- 1959
For Sandia's first family Day in April 1959, souvenir key chains with Thunderbird emblems were made in Sandia's Printed Circuits Shop.  Fay Rose is shown here with about half of the items produced.
     We were very fortunate to meet Sandia retiree Fred Leckman at the Retiree Picnic in May.  As a result of our flyer requesting donations of artifacts to the Archives, Fred donated many historically valuable items. Among these were original copies of  the Sandia Bulletin and Lab News from June 1949 through April 1972.  Early editions of the Lab News were called the Sandia Laboratory Weekly Bulletin (June 1949 through April 1950); the Sandia Bulletin (April 1950 through December 1953); and the Sandia Lab News (January 1954 to the present). Fred also donated anniversary jewelry, including the original 5-year service pin from 1955 and copper key chain made by Sandia's printed circuitry shop for the first family day in 1959.  Sever al of these items are on display in the "Birth of a Laboratory" exhibit (see following article on page 3).

   Myra O'Canna is a member of the 50th anniversary Committee and the team leader for the November 1, 1999, birthday celebration.  Although we plan to invite local and national dignitaries, Sandians will be the main participants in the event, which will include a ceremony and dedication of a time capsule.  We will be soliciting items for the time capsule soon in both a Lab News article and on the 50th Anniversary Home Page.

   The History Program will be issuing 1999 calendar to all Sandians, contractors, and retirees in celebration of Sandia's 50th anniversary year. Watch for it in your mailbox come January.

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[Mail to:] Rebecca Ullrich, Corporate Historian
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Last modified: January 12, 2005