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Dockets Management
Dockets Entered On November 17, 2003
Table of Contents
Docket # Title
2000D-1598 Voluntary Labeling for Bioengineered Foods
2003N-0400 Control of Communicable Diseases; Restrictions on African Rodents, Prairie Dogs, and Certain Other Animals
2003N-0502 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Study to Measure the Compliance of Prescribers with the Contraindication of the Use of bTriptansb in Migraine Headac
2003V-0527 Laser Light Show
2000D-1598 Voluntary Labeling for Bioengineered Foods
C 10004 Bogdan & Susan Dobrescu Vol #: 579
C 10005 A Concerned Citizen Vol #: 579
2003D-0290 Compounding of Drugs for Use in Animals Compliance Policy Guide
EC 10 Potter, Margaret Vol #: 1
2003N-0338 Obesity
EC 61 Driscoll, Debra Vol #: 1
EC 62 Voluntad, Alice Vol #: 1
EC 63 McHugh, Kathleen Vol #: 1
EC 68 Bruno, Barbara Altman Vol #: 1
EC 69 Weitze, Terri Vol #: 1
EC 71 Dunnam, Donald Vol #: 1
EC 72 Hostetler, Richard Vol #: 1
EC 73 Needham, Geoff Vol #: 1
EC 74 Wintcher, Amanda Vol #: 1
EC 75 Fonfa, Ann Vol #: 1
2003N-0346 Food Labeling: Ingredient Labeling of Dietary Supplements That Contain Botanicals
EC 3 Popin, William Vol #: 4
2003N-0400 Control of Communicable Diseases; Restrictions on African Rodents, Prairie Dogs, and Certain Other Animals
EC 41 Lenz, Donna Vol #: 1
EC 42 Yow, Wendy Vol #: 1
EC 43 Britton, Polly Vol #: 1
EC 44 Britton, Polly Vol #: 1
EC 45 Shannon, Donna Vol #: 1
EC 46 Nelson, Willard Vol #: 1
EC 47 Gardenhire, Ellen Vol #: 1
EC 49 Chamberlain, Kristina Vol #: 1
EC 50 Close, Char. Vol #: 1
EC 51 Przekop, Catherine Vol #: 1
EC 52 West, Randy Vol #: 1
EC 53 Hartlieb, Kathy Vol #: 1
EC 54 grant, reenie Vol #: 1
EC 55 Dixon, Kay Vol #: 1
EC 56 Marx, Keath L Vol #: 1
EC 57 Johnson, Conny Vol #: 1
EC 58 person, mary Vol #: 1
EC 60 graves, pat Vol #: 1
EC 62 Madrigal, Cathie Vol #: 1
EC 63 Fluker, Angela Vol #: 1
EC 64 Stinson, Rebbeca Vol #: 1
EREG 1 sachau, barbara Vol #: 1
2003N-0502 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Study to Measure the Compliance of Prescribers with the Contraindication of the Use of bTriptansb in Migraine Headac
N 1 FDA Vol #: 1
2003V-0527 Laser Light Show
ACK 1 HFA-305 to Carnaval Night Club Vol #: 1
VAR 1 Carnaval Night Club Vol #: 1

Page created on November 18, 2003 kk
Page updated on December 8, 2003

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