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Dockets Entered On May 4, 2007
Docket # Title
2007E-0184 Patent Extension Application for Avastin (bevacizumab), U.S. Patent No. 6,639,055
2007N-0121 Use of Medication Guides to Distribute Drug Risk Information to Patients; Public Hearing
2007N-0123 Amlodipine Abbreviated New Drug Application Approvals
2007V-0181 Interlock for Laser Modules and Beam Attenuator
2007V-0183 Laser Light Show
2007E-0184 Patent Extension Application for Avastin (bevacizumab), U.S. Patent No. 6,639,055
APP 1 Genentech, Inc. Vol #: 1
LET 1 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to FDA/CDER Vol #: 1
2007N-0121 Use of Medication Guides to Distribute Drug Risk Information to Patients; Public Hearing
EAPE 139 Wolfe, Sidney Vol #: 1
EAPE 140 Regier, Darrel Vol #: 1
EAPE 141 Rymers, Karen Vol #: 1
EAPE 142 Snead, Rebecca Vol #: 1
EAPE 143 Snead, Becky Vol #: 1
EAPE 144 Truffa, Melissa Vol #: 1
2007N-0123 Amlodipine Abbreviated New Drug Application Approvals
C 10 Apotex Inc. Vol #: 2
2007V-0181 Interlock for Laser Modules and Beam Attenuator
ACK 1 FDA / DDM to Apollo Instruments, Inc. Vol #: 1
VAR 1 Apollo Instruments, Inc. Vol #: 1
2007V-0183 Laser Light Show
ACK 1 FDA / DDM to Laser Safety Services Vol #: 1
VAR 1 Laser Safety Services Vol #: 1

Page created on May 4, 2007 ue

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