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Dockets Entered On March 12, 2007
Docket # Title
1975N-0183H Health-Care Antiseptic Drug Products for OTC Human Use
1999E-0117 Patent Extension Heart Laser, # 5,125,926
1999E-5113 Patent Extension: Clinacox (diclazuril), #4,631,278
2001E-0365 Patent Term Extension Application, NEXIUM 4,738,974
2003E-0418 Emend (Aprepitant), Patent Term Extension Application; U.S. Patent No. 5,719,147
2003N-0573 Draft Animal Cloning Risk Assessment
2005N-0279 Food Labeling; Gluten-Free Labeling of Foods
2005N-0394 FDAs Communication of Drug Safety Information; Public Hearing
2006D-0504 Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; Radio-Frequency Wireless Technology in Medical Devices
2006E-0004 Patent Extension Application for CYMBALTA (duloxetine hydrochloride), U.S. Patent No. 5,023,269
2006E-0189 Patent Extension Application for IPLEX (mecasermin rinfabate rDNA origin injection), U.S. Patent No. 5,681,818
2006N-0051 Blood Vessels Recovered with Organs and Intended for Use in Organ Transplantation
2006P-0372 Determine whether Mepron (atovaquone) Tablets, 250 mg, has been voluntarily withdrawn from sale for safety or efficacy reasons
2007A-0087 Request for an advisory opinion with respect to the FDA's interpretation of 21CFR314.70(c)(6)(iii) regarding NDAs to implement safety-related changes to prescription drug labeling
2007E-0066 Patent Term Extension for NOXAFIL (posaconazole), U.S. Patent No. 5,661,151
2007P-0085 Adopt Regulations of General Applicability to all Food Standards that would Permit Deviations from the Requirements of the Individual Food Standards of Identity
2007V-0088 Projector for a Laser Light Show
1975N-0183H Health-Care Antiseptic Drug Products for OTC Human Use
C 93 Lanxess Corporation Vol #: 203
1999E-0117 Patent Extension Heart Laser, # 5,125,926
LET 4 FDA/CDER to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Vol #: 1
1999E-5113 Patent Extension: Clinacox (diclazuril), #4,631,278
LET 6 FDA/CDER to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Vol #: 1
2001E-0365 Patent Term Extension Application, NEXIUM 4,738,974
LET 7 FDA/CDER to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Vol #: 1
2003E-0418 Emend (Aprepitant), Patent Term Extension Application; U.S. Patent No. 5,719,147
LET 5 FDA/CDER to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Vol #: 1
2003N-0573 Draft Animal Cloning Risk Assessment
C 362 B. Goode Vol #: 32
C 363 R. Sawdon Vol #: 32
C 364 C. Cruz Vol #: 32
C 365 N. Merjian Vol #: 32
C 366 B. Wright Vol #: 32
C 367 Number not used Vol #: 32
C 368 S. George Vol #: 32
C 369 Form Letter Count 5 Vol #: 34
2005N-0279 Food Labeling; Gluten-Free Labeling of Foods
C 692 A Esker Vol #: 32
C 693 M Kleppe Vol #: 32
EC 1685 Mrs. Rita Pearson Vol #: 31
EC 1686 GIG Vol #: 31
EC 1687 Mr. Michael Tetlow Vol #: 31
EC 1688 Mrs. Kelli Schulenberg Vol #: 31
EC 1689 Individual Vol #: 31
EC 1690 Mrs. Kathy Peebles Vol #: 31
EC 1691 Celiac Support Group Of the Mohawk Valley (CSGMV) Vol #: 31
EC 1692 University of California San Diego Vol #: 31
EC 1693 Ms. Kathleen Schinske Vol #: 31
EC 1694 Ms. Cynthia Smithwick Vol #: 31
EC 1695 Ms. Michelle Stephens Vol #: 31
EC 1696 Mrs. Barbara Williams Vol #: 31
EC 1697 Mrs. Mary Lu Warmuth Vol #: 31
EC 1698 Mrs. Paula Wilson Vol #: 31
EC 1699 Mrs. santos trevino Vol #: 31
EC 1700 Mrs. Marcela Lujan Vol #: 31
EC 1701 N/A Vol #: 31
EC 1702 Mr. Richard midkiff Vol #: 31
EC 1703 Mrs. suzanne strohmeyer Vol #: 31
EC 1704 Mrs. Brenda Ike Vol #: 31
EC 1705 Mrs. VALERIE SIMERLY Vol #: 31
EC 1706 Ms. Sheila Tolan Vol #: 31
EC 1707 Ms. Gillian Green Vol #: 31
EC 1708 Mrs. Kristin Carpenter Vol #: 31
EC 1709 Mr. Matthew MacSweeney Vol #: 31
EC 1710 Mrs. Katrien Vertommen Vol #: 31
2005N-0394 FDAs Communication of Drug Safety Information; Public Hearing
C 543 E. Love Vol #: 11
C 544 L. Hindin Vol #: 11
C 545 J. Crouch Vol #: 11
C 546 number not used Vol #: 11
C 547 number not used Vol #: 11
C 548 number not used Vol #: 11
2006D-0504 Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; Radio-Frequency Wireless Technology in Medical Devices
C 1 Nihon Kohden America Inc Vol #: 1
2006E-0004 Patent Extension Application for CYMBALTA (duloxetine hydrochloride), U.S. Patent No. 5,023,269
LET 4 FDA/CDER to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Vol #: 2
2006E-0189 Patent Extension Application for IPLEX (mecasermin rinfabate rDNA origin injection), U.S. Patent No. 5,681,818
LET 5 FDA/CDER to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Vol #: 1
2006N-0051 Blood Vessels Recovered with Organs and Intended for Use in Organ Transplantation
NFR 2 FDA Vol #: 1
2006P-0372 Determine whether Mepron (atovaquone) Tablets, 250 mg, has been voluntarily withdrawn from sale for safety or efficacy reasons
LET 1 FDA/CDER to Lachman Consultant Services, Inc Vol #: 1
2007A-0087 Request for an advisory opinion with respect to the FDA's interpretation of 21CFR314.70(c)(6)(iii) regarding NDAs to implement safety-related changes to prescription drug labeling
ACK 1 FDA/DDM to WileyRein LLP Vol #: 1
AP 1 WileyRein LLP Vol #: 1
2007E-0066 Patent Term Extension for NOXAFIL (posaconazole), U.S. Patent No. 5,661,151
LET 2 FDA/CDER to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Vol #: 1
2007P-0085 Adopt Regulations of General Applicability to all Food Standards that would Permit Deviations from the Requirements of the Individual Food Standards of Identity
ACK 1 FDA/DDM to GMA/FPA Vol #: 1
CP 1 Grocery Manufacturers Association Vol #: 1
MT 1 Telephone Conversation between FDA and GMA/FPA Vol #: 2
2007V-0088 Projector for a Laser Light Show
ACK 1 FDA / DDM to Platinum Graphics Vol #: 1
VAR 1 Platinum Graphics Vol #: 1

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