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2006P-0255: Food and Drug Administration to Make a Determination that the Discontinued Formulation of Warner Chilcott's Duricel (cefadroxil) tablets 1 g was not Discontinued for Safety and Efficacy Reasons

Document # Received Date Filed Date Submitter Code Submitter FR Date FR Page Comment Date Files Remarks
CP1 06/19/2006 06/20/2006 Health Professional Orchid Healthcare (A Division of Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd)       Table of Contents  
Signature: Imtiyaz Basade
ACK1 06/20/2006 06/20/2006 Federal Government HFA-305 to Orchid Healthcare       pdf  
Signature: Lyle D. Jaffe
LET1 12/18/2006 12/18/2006 Federal Government FDA/CDER to Orchid Healthcare       pdf  
Signature: Jane A. Axelrad
N1   03/23/2007 FDA FDA 03/26/2007 14118-14118   txt  
Signature: Jeffrey Shuren
ANS1 03/29/2007 03/29/2007 Federal Government FDA/CDER to Orchid Healthcare       pdf  
  Signature: Mary Catchings

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Page last updated: April 18, 2007