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Dockets Management

Dockets Entered On July 20, 2006
Table of Contents
Docket # Title
1997S-0162 30-Day Structure Function Claim Notification Letters Dietary
1998C-0431 Synthetic Iron Oxide
1999F-4372 National Fisheries Institute and the Louisiana Dep of Agricu
2001P-0345 Listing the color additive yellow #5 for use in food/Drug
2003N-0076 Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling; Consumer research to consider possible footnote statements
2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
2005P-0456 Determine that the discontinued formulation Zosyn (piperacillin and tazobactam for injection), was not discontinued for safety and efficacy reasons
2006D-0108 Guidance for Industry: Informed Consent Recommendations for Source Plasma Donors Participating in Plasmapheresis and Immunization Programs
2006D-0246 Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards
2006N-0107 FDA-Regulated Products Containing Nanotechnology Materials
2006N-0247 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Medical Device User Fee Cover Sheet
2006P-0049 reduce the public health risks associated with the use of drugs manufactured or processed at foreign facilities
2006P-0123 Request that all applicants for fentanyl transdermal systems conduct a study to support the safety of their fentanyl transdermal products
2006P-0124 Stay any approvals of an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for Vancocin Capsules
2006P-0151 Stay the current approvable letter with conditions of any and all Premarket Applications for silicone gel-filled breast implants
2006P-0173 Request approval of any abbreviated new drug application relying on Zosyn (piperacillin and tazobactam for injection) as its reference product be contingent upon the proposed product
1997S-0162 30-Day Structure Function Claim Notification Letters Dietary
LET 17981 Weleda Inc Vol #: 165
LET 17982 Swanson Health Products Vol #: 165
LET 17983 Source Naturals Vol #: 165
LET 17984 Perrigo Company of South Carolina Vol #: 165
LET 17985 Perrigo Company of South Carolina Vol #: 165
LET 17986 Perrigo Company of South Carolina Vol #: 165
LET 17987 Perrigo Company of South Carolina Vol #: 165
LET 17988 Natura Therapeutics Inc Vol #: 165
LET 17989 New Century Company Vol #: 165
LET 17990 Metagenics Vol #: 165
1998C-0431 Synthetic Iron Oxide
NFR 2 FDA Vol #: 1
1999F-4372 National Fisheries Institute and the Louisiana Dep of Agricu
EMC 476 Form Letter Vol #: 14
EMC 477 R. Grover Vol #: 15
EMC 478 M. Buckner Vol #: 15
EMC 479 Y. Waters Vol #: 15
EMC 480 A. Hunter Vol #: 15
EMC 481 M. Bushnell Vol #: 15
EMC 482 E. Bryant Vol #: 15
EMC 483 M. Kleeman Vol #: 15
EMC 484 D. Raunio Vol #: 15
EMC 485 S. Shamblin Vol #: 15
EMC 486 S. Daniels Vol #: 15
EMC 487 H. Kopp Vol #: 15
EMC 488 M. Potts Vol #: 15
EMC 489 B. Foose Vol #: 15
EMC 490 L. Sparrowhawk Vol #: 15
EMC 491 M. Buckner Vol #: 15
EMC 492 A. Harlib Vol #: 15
EMC 493 K. Greenawalt Vol #: 15
2001P-0345 Listing the color additive yellow #5 for use in food/Drug
EC 1 Ms. Sara Chaudry Vol #: 3
2003N-0076 Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling; Consumer research to consider possible footnote statements
EMC 1324 J. Ricks Vol #: 12
EMC 1325 C. Williamson Vol #: 12
2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
C 16036 P. Stober Vol #: 177
C 16037 S. Zoemler Vol #: 177
C 16038 M. Wallace Vol #: 177
C 16039 R. Cromer Vol #: 177
C 16040 M. Barlow Vol #: 177
C 16041 E. Brennen Vol #: 177
C 16042 D. Schultz Vol #: 177
C 16043 R. Finnegan Vol #: 177
C 16044 D. Burke Vol #: 177
C 16045 S. Curry Vol #: 177
C 16046 K. Wiktorski Vol #: 177
C 16047 J. Lyon Vol #: 177
C 16048 C. Slura Vol #: 177
C 16049 T. Bunnell Vol #: 177
C 16050 R. Sund Vol #: 177
C 16051 St. John Hospital & Medical Center Vol #: 177
C 16052 B. Biernat Vol #: 177
C 16053 C. Pollack Vol #: 177
C 16054 I. Caruso Vol #: 177
C 16055 M. Cooper Vol #: 177
C 16056 S. Sharpe Vol #: 177
C 16057 P. Mittman Vol #: 177
C 16058 L. Charles Vol #: 177
C 16059 C. Christuccht Vol #: 177
C 16060 P. Scott Vol #: 177
C 16061 K. Dela Vol #: 177
C 16062 C. Ahmed Vol #: 177
C 16063 A. Ortiz Vol #: 177
C 16064 E. Brown Vol #: 177
C 16065 B. Samson Vol #: 177
C 16066 M. Akins Vol #: 177
C 16067 R. Gallagher Vol #: 177
C 16068 M. Fiedler Vol #: 177
C 16069 J. Griffiths Vol #: 177
C 16070 J. Christiansen Vol #: 177
C 16071 M. Lamb-Torres Vol #: 177
C 16072 K. Herzog Vol #: 177
C 16073 S. Talbott Vol #: 177
C 16074 A. Scarpelit Vol #: 177
C 16075 V. Scruggs Vol #: 177
C 16076 M. Kiss Vol #: 177
C 16077 L. Weber Vol #: 177
C 16078 E. Lyons Vol #: 177
C 16079 E. Bradley Vol #: 177
C 16080 B. Camp Vol #: 177
C 16081 P. Wilcox Vol #: 177
C 16082 S. Fister Vol #: 177
C 16083 R. Schroeder Vol #: 177
C 16084 G. Brown Vol #: 177
C 16085 C. Beattie Vol #: 177
C 16086 J. Caryl Vol #: 177
C 16087 L. Gannon Vol #: 177
C 16088 S. Van Mierio Vol #: 177
C 16089 D. Matheur Vol #: 177
C 16090 B. Sykes Vol #: 177
C 16091 J. Poor Vol #: 177
C 16092 W. Priebe Vol #: 177
C 16093 D. Menache Vol #: 178
C 16094 D. Carrigan Vol #: 178
C 16095 P. Lawson Vol #: 178
C 16096 K. Vogel Vol #: 178
C 16097 L. Boggs Vol #: 178
C 16098 N. Melville Vol #: 178
C 16099 J. Griffin Vol #: 178
C 16100 G. Cannon Vol #: 178
C 16101 G. Priebe Vol #: 178
C 16102 C. Perfetti Vol #: 178
C 16103 V. Senade Vol #: 178
C 16104 L. Bronder Vol #: 178
C 16105 V. Witt Vol #: 178
C 16106 A. McDowell Vol #: 178
C 16107 M. Bernett Vol #: 178
C 16108 J. Jackson Vol #: 178
C 16109 A. Caruso Vol #: 178
C 16110 J. Alexander Vol #: 178
C 16111 J. Cannon Vol #: 178
C 16112 J. Ramsey Vol #: 178
C 16113 S. Fenning Vol #: 178
C 16114 L. Felske Vol #: 178
C 16115 M. Rabin Vol #: 178
C 16116 D. Hollensteiner Vol #: 178
C 16117 T. Fey Vol #: 178
C 16118 D. Fitzwilliam Vol #: 178
C 16119 A. Scott Vol #: 178
C 16120 S. Zanotti Vol #: 178
C 16121 M. Roaque Vol #: 178
C 16122 N. Hand Vol #: 178
C 16123 M. Stegall Vol #: 178
C 16124 N. Carducci Vol #: 178
C 16125 R. Bailey Vol #: 178
C 16126 S. Carrow Vol #: 178
C 16127 D. Hawdusheit Vol #: 178
C 16128 B. Seibels Vol #: 178
C 16129 L. Charland Vol #: 178
C 16130 J. Lynch Vol #: 178
C 16131 M. Ellis Vol #: 178
C 16132 N. Foley Vol #: 178
C 16133 S. Matthews Vol #: 178
C 16134 V. Jackson Vol #: 178
C 16135 F. Marshall Vol #: 178
C 16136 C. Stellas Vol #: 178
C 16137 M. Nettle Vol #: 178
C 16138 Somerset Gynecology & Obstetrics Vol #: 178
C 16139 D. Ferrara Vol #: 178
C 16140 L. Lowenstein Vol #: 178
C 16141 M. Bilardi Vol #: 178
C 16142 J. Tucker Vol #: 178
C 16143 S. McCormick Vol #: 178
C 16144 G. Bohn Vol #: 178
C 16145 K. Vu Vol #: 178
C 16146 R. Bulletset Vol #: 178
C 16147 D. Fetrow Vol #: 178
C 16148 J. Wall Vol #: 178
C 16149 S. Garcia Vol #: 178
C 16150 S. Kanter Vol #: 178
C 16151 R. Murphy Vol #: 178
C 16152 H. Westhook Vol #: 179
C 16153 P. Wiegman Vol #: 179
C 16154 A. Rock Vol #: 178
C 16155 K. Kapitke Vol #: 179
C 16156 J. Theoharris Vol #: 179
C 16157 D. Theoharris Vol #: 179
C 16158 R. Walkotten Vol #: 179
C 16159 L. Harris Vol #: 179
C 16160 C. Richards Vol #: 179
C 16161 M. Henderson Vol #: 179
C 16162 P. Caripides Vol #: 179
C 16163 K. Colwell Vol #: 179
C 16164 M. Sanburn Vol #: 179
C 16165 M. Sutton Vol #: 179
C 16166 R. Hamilton Vol #: 179
C 16167 M. Pierro Vol #: 179
C 16168 C. Layman Vol #: 179
C 16169 N. Chess Vol #: 179
C 16170 G. Schiff Vol #: 179
C 16171 P. Dugan Vol #: 179
C 16172 J. Peterson Vol #: 179
C 16173 S. Eddy Vol #: 179
C 16174 J. Davis Vol #: 179
C 16175 K. Humphrey Vol #: 179
C 16176 C. Holliday Vol #: 179
C 16177 J. Guy Vol #: 179
C 16178 B. & T. Bokmann Vol #: 179
C 16179 M. Kanitsch Vol #: 179
C 16180 M. Williams Vol #: 179
C 16181 C. Mutter Vol #: 179
C 16182 M. Kelly Vol #: 179
C 16183 J. Redstone Vol #: 179
C 16184 A. Muki Vol #: 179
C 16185 P. Wallou Vol #: 179
C 16186 S. Urban Vol #: 179
C 16187 E. Shonkwiler Vol #: 179
C 16188 M. Shonkwiler Vol #: 179
C 16189 L. Collins Vol #: 179
C 16190 C. Henry Vol #: 179
C 16191 V. Elliott Vol #: 179
C 16192 A. Wyman Vol #: 179
C 16193 T. Richter Vol #: 179
C 16194 L. Buffa Vol #: 179
C 16195 L. Prusal Vol #: 179
C 16196 J. Taylor Vol #: 179
C 16197 R. Williams Vol #: 179
C 16198 L. Dennison-Bules Vol #: 179
C 16199 C. Smith Vol #: 179
C 16200 T. Mendozo Vol #: 179
C 16201 C. Arnold Vol #: 179
C 16202 L. Smith Vol #: 179
C 16203 D. Flores Vol #: 179
C 16204 F. Flores Vol #: 179
C 16205 M. Guerrero Vol #: 179
C 16206 R. Juarez Vol #: 179
C 16207 S. Juarez Vol #: 179
C 16208 G. Zotara Vol #: 179
C 16209 C. Seth Vol #: 179
C 16210 D. Peterson Vol #: 179
C 16211 W. Crow Vol #: 179
C 16212 C. Crow Vol #: 179
C 16213 V. Humphreys Vol #: 179
C 16214 T. Mickiewicz Vol #: 179
C 16215 J. Lindsey Vol #: 179
C 16216 S. Coffman Vol #: 179
C 16217 A. Stankiewicz Vol #: 179
C 16218 F. Williams Vol #: 179
C 16219 D. McCloskey Vol #: 179
C 16220 S. Davis Vol #: 180
C 16221 K. Crager Vol #: 180
C 16222 V. Henry Vol #: 180
C 16223 S. Littleton Vol #: 180
C 16224 R. Lichter Vol #: 180
C 16225 T. Ziegler Vol #: 180
C 16226 J. Krilowicz Vol #: 180
C 16227 J. Robertson Vol #: 180
C 16228 S. Bumbalo Vol #: 180
C 16229 K. Rayburn Vol #: 180
C 16230 A. Veit Vol #: 180
C 16231 L. Hartford Vol #: 180
C 16232 J. Beirce Vol #: 180
C 16233 F. Parma Vol #: 180
C 16234 S. Zehnder Vol #: 180
C 16235 T. Barker Vol #: 180
C 16236 S. Bolton Vol #: 180
C 16237 P. Anderson Vol #: 180
C 16238 B. Peck Vol #: 180
C 16239 T. Wiederkehr Vol #: 180
C 16240 H. Scopelliti Vol #: 180
C 16241 J. VanderHenst Vol #: 180
C 16242 S. Dance Vol #: 180
C 16243 P. Player Vol #: 180
C 16244 P. Stotz Vol #: 180
C 16245 F. Delaney Vol #: 180
C 16246 E. Ingram Vol #: 180
C 16247 J. Beavers Vol #: 180
C 16248 A. Grimmer Vol #: 180
C 16249 D. Hemmer Vol #: 180
C 16250 R. Lively Vol #: 180
C 16251 J. Lauer Vol #: 180
C 16252 P. Marlow-Utley Vol #: 180
C 16253 K. Stumpff Vol #: 180
C 16254 E. Blinker Vol #: 180
C 16255 D. Nelson Vol #: 180
C 16256 D. Cullen Vol #: 180
C 16257 J. Greene Vol #: 180
C 16258 T. White Vol #: 180
C 16259 L. Martin Vol #: 180
C 16260 J. Schweers Vol #: 180
C 16261 D. Fitch Vol #: 180
C 16262 P. Dygert Vol #: 180
C 16263 B. Peckham Vol #: 180
C 16264 C. Wick Vol #: 180
C 16265 L. Kavulich Vol #: 180
C 16266 M. Swartzburg Vol #: 180
C 16267 D. Beardsley Vol #: 180
C 16268 D. White Vol #: 180
C 16269 W. Sniffen Vol #: 180
C 16270 L. Cali Vol #: 180
C 16271 L. Hanson Vol #: 180
C 16272 K. Faccinto Vol #: 180
C 16273 K. Mohr Vol #: 180
C 16274 C. Rey Vol #: 180
C 16275 R. Rey Vol #: 180
C 16276 L. Powell Vol #: 180
C 16277 C. Allen Vol #: 180
C 16278 A. Molina Vol #: 180
C 16279 M. Blaschke Vol #: 180
C 16280 S. Harbin Vol #: 180
C 16281 S. Rholen Vol #: 180
C 16282 M. Wagner Vol #: 180
C 16283 C. Vera Vol #: 180
C 16284 B. Snyder Vol #: 180
C 16285 G. Casey Vol #: 180
C 16286 S. Melendez Vol #: 180
C 16287 T. Bolinger Vol #: 180
C 16288 M. Smith Vol #: 180
C 16289 J. Clubb Vol #: 180
C 16290 F. Miller Vol #: 180
C 16291 J. Miller Vol #: 180
C 16292 A. Mitchell Vol #: 180
C 16293 S. Brown Vol #: 180
C 16294 P. Lublin Vol #: 180
C 16295 S. Dugan Vol #: 180
C 16296 E. Bostick Vol #: 180
C 16297 K. Hurt Vol #: 180
C 16298 L. Hanson Vol #: 180
C 16299 J. Fischer Vol #: 180
C 16300 B. Herrick-Brown Vol #: 181
C 16301 M. Garrett Vol #: 181
C 16302 T. Mayer Vol #: 181
C 16303 M. Mortier Vol #: 181
C 16304 D. Parrish Vol #: 181
C 16305 J. Sherman Vol #: 181
C 16306 P. Rixon Vol #: 181
C 16307 C. Anglin Vol #: 181
C 16308 P. Gates Vol #: 181
C 16309 J. Richard Vol #: 181
C 16310 J. Lodge Vol #: 181
C 16311 S. Nevin Vol #: 181
C 16312 M. Stucky Vol #: 181
C 16313 S. Keehig Vol #: 181
C 16314 J. Calhoun Vol #: 181
C 16315 C. Wright Vol #: 181
C 16316 K. Carter Vol #: 181
C 16317 B. Bichsel Vol #: 181
C 16318 M. Lubt Vol #: 181
C 16319 L. D'Errico Vol #: 181
C 16320 K. Wilson Vol #: 181
C 16321 S. Byrne Vol #: 181
C 16322 F. Reasoner Vol #: 181
C 16323 J. Taber Vol #: 181
C 16324 D. Trent Vol #: 181
C 16325 G. Swanson Vol #: 181
C 16326 C. Dunn Vol #: 181
C 16327 P. Sorensen Vol #: 181
C 16328 D. Dimont Vol #: 181
C 16329 M. Espinoza Vol #: 181
C 16330 S. Smith Vol #: 181
C 16331 P. Jones Vol #: 181
C 16332 B. Kettle Vol #: 181
C 16333 D. Lewis Vol #: 181
C 16334 D. Delgato Vol #: 181
C 16335 D. Delgato Vol #: 181
C 16336 L. Gogl Vol #: 181
C 16337 D. Knoff Vol #: 181
C 16338 B. Riemer Vol #: 181
C 16339 V. Tracy Vol #: 181
C 16340 S. Kouba Vol #: 181
C 16341 L. Lovering Vol #: 181
C 16342 L. Lovering Vol #: 181
C 16343 C. Thiffant Vol #: 181
C 16344 M. Dreyer Vol #: 181
C 16345 A. Page Vol #: 181
C 16346 E. Stapleton Vol #: 181
C 16347 J. Sender Vol #: 181
C 16348 S. Smith Vol #: 181
C 16349 M. Wolfram Vol #: 181
C 16350 M. Mobly Vol #: 181
C 16351 P. Rushlow Vol #: 181
C 16352 S. Brown Vol #: 181
C 16353 C. Lippert Vol #: 181
C 16354 E. Gross Vol #: 181
C 16355 E. Gross Vol #: 181
C 16356 S. Vought Vol #: 181
C 16357 J. Rose Vol #: 181
C 16358 H. Miskech Vol #: 181
C 16359 J. Forzano Vol #: 181
C 16360 A. Caldwell Vol #: 181
C 16361 C. Skinner Vol #: 181
C 16362 D. Coy Vol #: 181
C 16363 K. Hasson Vol #: 181
C 16364 H. Carter Vol #: 181
C 16365 B. Watson Vol #: 181
C 16366 A. Caldwell Vol #: 181
C 16367 P. Miller Vol #: 181
C 16368 M. Presteen Vol #: 181
C 16369 A. Van Horn Vol #: 181
C 16370 S. Schliesmann Vol #: 181
C 16371 V. Appel Vol #: 181
C 16372 P. Childers Vol #: 181
C 16373 D. Childers Vol #: 181
C 16374 L. Farrell Vol #: 181
C 16375 S. Hamai Vol #: 182
C 16376 E. Iwanaga Vol #: 182
C 16377 P. Holm Vol #: 182
C 16378 J. Murphy Vol #: 182
C 16379 J. Greene Vol #: 182
C 16380 P. Malott Vol #: 182
C 16381 S. Wirtz Vol #: 182
C 16382 E. Campbell Vol #: 182
C 16383 C. Mitchell Vol #: 182
C 16384 S. Guest Vol #: 182
C 16385 C. Murray Vol #: 182
C 16386 G. Kavanaugh Vol #: 182
C 16387 B. Halminak Vol #: 182
C 16388 G. Siber Vol #: 182
C 16389 J. Nelson Vol #: 182
C 16390 E. Stapleton Vol #: 182
C 16391 M. Fisch Vol #: 182
C 16392 C. Fonda Vol #: 182
C 16393 M. Clark Vol #: 182
C 16394 V. Janssen Vol #: 182
C 16395 A. Avery Vol #: 182
C 16396 C. Siracuse Vol #: 182
C 16397 J. Klein Vol #: 182
C 16398 B. Gaspar Vol #: 182
C 16399 S. Whittle Vol #: 182
C 16400 J. Urquiza Vol #: 182
C 16401 V. Sheridan Vol #: 182
C 16402 T. Marschall Vol #: 182
C 16403 M. Nielsen Vol #: 182
C 16404 K. Mixon Vol #: 182
C 16405 M. Bluhm Vol #: 182
C 16406 D. Green Vol #: 182
C 16407 L. Smothermon Vol #: 182
C 16408 S. Cahill Vol #: 182
C 16409 F. Shirasago-Cahill Vol #: 182
C 16410 E. Deruig Vol #: 182
C 16411 N. Aultman Vol #: 182
C 16412 C. Cantrell Vol #: 182
C 16413 N. Morton Vol #: 182
C 16414 L. Smith Vol #: 182
C 16415 S. Shackelford Vol #: 182
C 16416 W. Lunsford Vol #: 182
C 16417 L. Irby Vol #: 182
C 16418 D. Moseley Vol #: 182
C 16419 R. Lucich Vol #: 182
C 16420 Illegible Vol #: 182
C 16421 A. Fishback Vol #: 182
C 16422 D. Fischle Vol #: 182
C 16423 P. Feldkamp Vol #: 182
C 16424 S. Dewberry Vol #: 182
C 16425 L. Jennings Vol #: 182
C 16426 J. Collison Vol #: 182
C 16427 S. Mings Vol #: 182
C 16428 D. Pfleger Vol #: 182
C 16429 B. Thomas Vol #: 182
C 16430 R. Scantlebury Vol #: 182
C 16431 V. Scantlebury Vol #: 182
C 16432 C. Brokaw Vol #: 182
C 16433 G. Sommerfeld Vol #: 182
C 16434 M. Anderson Vol #: 182
C 16435 B. Thornton Vol #: 182
C 16436 S. Alcott Vol #: 182
C 16437 C. Dixon Vol #: 182
C 16438 D. Garrett Vol #: 182
C 16439 L. Kuizatda Vol #: 182
C 16440 L. Slater Vol #: 182
C 16441 E. Dewdney Vol #: 182
C 16442 T. Woods Vol #: 182
C 16443 J. Gerbers Vol #: 182
C 16444 R. Vacchio Vol #: 182
C 16445 V. Matteson Vol #: 182
C 16446 V. Matteson Vol #: 182
C 16447 R. Vacchio Vol #: 182
C 16448 C. Dumine Vol #: 182
C 16449 A. Milan Vol #: 182
C 16450 P. Miller Vol #: 182
C 16451 S. Carroll Vol #: 182
C 16452 K. Migliore Vol #: 182
C 16453 M. Davis Vol #: 182
C 16454 C. de Rodriguez Vol #: 182
C 16455 G. Galloway Vol #: 182
C 16456 K. Cinelli Vol #: 182
C 16457 B. Powers Vol #: 182
C 16458 J. S. Vol #: 182
C 16459 C. Hasty Vol #: 182
C 16460 M. Leavenworth Vol #: 182
C 16461 K. Rolfe Vol #: 182
C 16462 E. Fider Vol #: 182
C 16463 J. Hurley Vol #: 182
C 16464 M. Rose Vol #: 182
EMC 3286 D. Hopkins Vol #: 176
EMC 3287 C. Buziak Vol #: 176
EMC 3288 S. Kruse Vol #: 176
EMC 3289 D. Small Vol #: 176
EMC 3290 B. Keate Vol #: 176
EMC 3291 C. McCabe Vol #: 176
EMC 3292 P. Stone Vol #: 176
EMC 3293 E. Collins Vol #: 176
EMC 3294 M. Gau Vol #: 176
EMC 3295 P. Blake Vol #: 176
EMC 3296 E. Stilwell Vol #: 176
EMC 3297 Dr. R. Feintech Vol #: 176
EMC 3298 T. Botwinik Vol #: 176
EMC 3299 K. Howard Vol #: 176
EMC 3300 K. Howard Vol #: 176
EMC 3301 S. Kelly Vol #: 176
EMC 3302 C. Ticknor Vol #: 176
EMC 3303 S. Hackworth Vol #: 176
EMC 3304 D. White, ARNP, CH, BS Vol #: 176
EMC 3305 E. Cranos Vol #: 176
EMC 3306 V. Stahler Vol #: 176
EMC 3307 E. Cranos Vol #: 176
EMC 3308 A. Smith Vol #: 176
EMC 3309 A. Smith Vol #: 176
EMC 3310 S. Jones Vol #: 176
EMC 3311 F. McNeil Vol #: 176
EMC 3312 C. Huston Vol #: 176
EMC 3313 D. Tseng Vol #: 176
EMC 3314 L. Cocanig Vol #: 176
EMC 3315 M. Gerdes Vol #: 176
EMC 3316 M. Malone Vol #: 176
EMC 3317 C. Macdonald Vol #: 176
EMC 3318 E. Treneer Vol #: 176
EMC 3319 N. Slowinski Vol #: 176
EMC 3320 J. Hutson Vol #: 176
EMC 3321 R. Way Vol #: 176
2005P-0456 Determine that the discontinued formulation Zosyn (piperacillin and tazobactam for injection), was not discontinued for safety and efficacy reasons
C 7 Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Vol #: 2
2006D-0108 Guidance for Industry: Informed Consent Recommendations for Source Plasma Donors Participating in Plasmapheresis and Immunization Programs
EC 1 PPTA Vol #: 1
EMC 1 Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association (PPTA) Vol #: 1
2006D-0246 Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards
GDL 1 Guidance Vol #: 1
NAD 1 FDA Vol #: 1
2006N-0107 FDA-Regulated Products Containing Nanotechnology Materials
EC 7 Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies/Wilson Center Vol #: 2
2006N-0247 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Medical Device User Fee Cover Sheet
C 1 AMEDICA Vol #: 1
2006P-0049 reduce the public health risks associated with the use of drugs manufactured or processed at foreign facilities
LET 1 FDA/CDER to Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association's Vol #: 1
2006P-0123 Request that all applicants for fentanyl transdermal systems conduct a study to support the safety of their fentanyl transdermal products
C 4 PriCara, Unit of Ortho-McNeil Vol #: 1
2006P-0124 Stay any approvals of an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for Vancocin Capsules
C 2 Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island Vol #: 1
2006P-0151 Stay the current approvable letter with conditions of any and all Premarket Applications for silicone gel-filled breast implants
EC 630 Ms. Nicole Chantee Vol #: 3
EC 631 Ms. Electra Kaczorowski Vol #: 3
EC 632 Women's Bioethics Project Vol #: 3
2006P-0173 Request approval of any abbreviated new drug application relying on Zosyn (piperacillin and tazobactam for injection) as its reference product be contingent upon the proposed product
SUP 2 Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Vol #: 1

Page created on October 6, 2006 kk

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