Food and Drug Administration,  Dockets Management Branch, 5630 Fishers Lane - Room 1061- HFA-305, Rockville, MD, 20852; 301-827-6860; Fax 301-827-6870  [E-mail] 

DOCKETS ENTERED on August 27, 1999

Table of Contents

(Hyper links are part of the Docket  title - not all dockets/documents are linked)


96P-0418 Reduce the Precense of Salmonella Enteritidis in Shell Eggs *
97S-0163 Dietary Supplements, Courtesy Letters (Letters of Objection) *
98P-0683 Soy Protein Containing Products*
98P-1194 Withdrawal NADA Approval for Posilac - rBGH *
99P-0485 Rescind Approval of Subtherapeutic Antibiotic Use Livestock *
94F-0283 Safe Use Of Menadione Nicotinamide Bisulfite

BKG 1 HFV-228 Vol#: 1

96F-0176 Safe Use of Nylon 6/12 Copolymers for use as a non-food cont

NFR 1 Vol#: 1

96P-0418 Reduce the Precense of Salmonella Enteritidis in Shell Eggs


C 68 Mrs. Remi Saunder Vol#: 3

C 69 Kerry Vol#: 3

C 70 Carol A. Diaz Vol#: 4

C 71 F. Forman Vol#: 4

C 72 R. Capozzelli Vol#: 4

C 73 Philip R. Strickland Vol#: 4

C 74 Miss C. C. Joelle Lilley Vol#: 4

C 75 Tobi Van Dyck Vol#: 4

C 76 Pets For Life, Inc. Vol#: 4

C 77 Terri David Vol#: 4

C 78 C. Bingham Vol#: 4

97P-0197 Require that warning labels about risks of salmonella enteri

C 69 Mrs. Remi Saunder Vol#: 2

C 70 Kerry Vol#: 2

C 71 Carol A. Diaz Vol#: 3

C 72 F. Forman Vol#: 3

C 73 R. Capozzelli Vol#: 3

C 74 Philip R. Strickland Vol#: 3

C 75 Miss C. C. Joelle Lilley Vol#: 3

C 76 Tobi Van Dyck Vol#: 3

C 77 Pets For Life, Inc. Vol#: 3

C 78 Terri David Vol#: 3

C 79 C. Bingham Vol#: 3

97S-0163 Dietary Supplements, Courtesy Letters (Letters of Objection)

LET 289 HFS-456 to The Daily Wellness Company Vol#: 6

LET 290 HFS-456 to Terra Life health Products Co Vol#: 6

LET 291 HFS-456 to Nature's Herbs Vol#: 6

LET 292 HFS-456 to Naturade Inc Vol#: 6

LET 293 HFS-456 to China Shanxi ZhengZhong Group Vol#: 6

LET 294 HFS-456 to USANA Inc Vol#: 6

98N-0337 Over the counter human drugs labeling requirements

MM 2 Minutes of 6/29/99 Labeling Feedback Mtg Vol#: 1

98N-1230 Labeling of Shell Eggs;Shell Eggs: Refrigeration of Shell

C 68 Mrs. Remi Saunder Vol#: 6

C 69 Kerry Vol#: 6

C 70 Carol A. Diaz Vol#: 7

C 71 F. Forman Vol#: 7

C 72 R. Capozzelli Vol#: 7

C 73 Philip R. Strickland Vol#: 7

C 74 Miss C. C. Joelle Lilley Vol#: 7

C 75 Tobi Van Dyck Vol#: 7

C 76 Pets For Life, Inc. Vol#: 7

C 77 Terri David Vol#: 7

C 78 C. Bingham Vol#: 7

98P-0683 Soy Protein Containing Products

C 134 R F James Vol#: 19

LET 2 HF-1 to Wake Forest University Vol#: 19

98P-1194 Withdrawal NADA Approval for Posilac - rBGH

C 470 Heather B Vol#: 17

C 471 Sierra Knot Vol#: 17

C 472 S. L. Morrison Vol#: 17

C 473 Shari Bach Vol#: 17

C 474 No Signature Vol#: 17

C 475 No Signature Vol#: 17

C 476 Suzanne Reid Vol#: 17

C 477 Lionel Herbet Vol#: 17

C 478 Neil Macumule Vol#: 17

C 479 Courtney Hennessy Vol#: 17

C 480 Illegible Vol#: 17

C 481 Paula Mackay Vol#: 17

C 482 Lou Brow Vol#: 17

C 483 Vanessa Vol#: 17

C 484 David Reeder Vol#: 17

C 485 Carey Doug Vol#: 17

C 486 R. Pucitt Vol#: 17

C 487 Nibena Boandes Vol#: 17

C 488 Scott Porter Vol#: 17

C 489 Sarah Manz Vol#: 17

C 490 No Signature Vol#: 17

C 491 Elizabeth A. Collins Vol#: 17

C 492 Dan Lewis Vol#: 17

C 493 Keri Laney Vol#: 17

C 494 G. Autumn Venezio Vol#: 17

C 495 Elizabeth Vol#: 17

C 496 David Porter Vol#: 17

C 497 Illegible Vol#: 17

C 498 No Signature Vol#: 17

C 499 Hinesberg Vermont Vol#: 17

C 500 Jessee Maranda Vol#: 17

C 501 Keith Vol#: 17

C 502 Ben Cohen Vol#: 17

C 503 Jessie LaCroix Vol#: 17

C 504 Christie Robertson Vol#: 17

C 505 Ave Mandrall Vol#: 17

C 506 Heidi Fassnacht Vol#: 17

C 507 Betsy Thomas Vol#: 17

C 508 Illegible Vol#: 17

C 509 David Pulnar Vol#: 17

C 510 Illegible Vol#: 17

C 511 No Signature Vol#: 17

C 512 Elizabeth Levens Vol#: 17

C 513 Robert Cozier Vol#: 17

C 514 Jessica Treanor Vol#: 17

C 515 Laura Berman Vol#: 17

C 516 Carol Jennings Vol#: 17

C 517 Andrew Loewer Vol#: 17

C 518 Erin Ward Vol#: 17

C 519 JoAnn Zales Vol#: 17

C 520 Polly Linden Vol#: 17

C 521 John Burr Vol#: 17

C 522 Kelly Garcia Vol#: 17

C 523 James Grace Vol#: 17

C 524 David John Vol#: 17

C 525 Brian Haas Vol#: 17

C 526 Heather Pembrook Vol#: 17

C 527 P. G. Vol#: 17

C 528 Alana Vol#: 17

C 529 Leda Neetling Vol#: 17

C 530 Dona Page Vol#: 17

C 531 No Signature Vol#: 17

C 532 Christine Teferne Vol#: 17

C 533 J. Shands Stockbridge Vol#: 17

C 534 Mary Shepard Vol#: 17

C 535 Heidi Ludewy Vol#: 17

C 536 Illegible Vol#: 17

C 537 Maura Bancroft Vol#: 17

C 538 Makayia Porter Vol#: 17

C 539 Jacob Rigby Vol#: 17

C 540 Catherine Bonnett Vol#: 17

C 541 No Signature Vol#: 17

C 542 Illegible Vol#: 17

C 543 B. Hurly Vol#: 17

C 544 Adam Comerci Vol#: 17

C 545 Mary & Margaret Weld Vol#: 17

C 546 Dane H. Fuller Vol#: 17

C 547 Peter Sinefeld Vol#: 17

C 548 Jenna Kane Vol#: 17

C 549 Joshua Cooper Vol#: 17

C 550 Griffin Comerci Vol#: 17

C 551 Barbie Nibor Vol#: 17

C 552 Jason Baker Vol#: 17

C 553 T. Van DeWater Vol#: 17

C 554 Jade Harmon Vol#: 17

C 555 Greg Boomhower Vol#: 17

C 556 R. Mazzner Vol#: 17

C 557 Andrew Strawberg Vol#: 17

C 558 Lynda Siegel Vol#: 17

C 559 Liz Perme Vol#: 17

C 560 Bill Leonard Vol#: 17

C 561 Cindy Nibor Vol#: 17

C 562 R. Sankar Vol#: 17

C 563 Isaac Lornitzo Vol#: 17

C 564 Fran Kovcky Vol#: 17

C 565 No Signature Vol#: 17

C 566 Della St Peter Vol#: 17

C 567 Jessica Lovallee Vol#: 17

C 568 No Signature Vol#: 17

C 569 Maureen Boksa Vol#: 17

C 570 Scott Boles Vol#: 17

C 571 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 572 D. S. Bill Vol#: 18

C 573 Andy Fiage Vol#: 18

C 574 Ruth Laceuby Vol#: 18

C 575 Lisa Bedinger Vol#: 18

C 576 Erin B. Thesing Vol#: 18

C 577 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 578 Jim Davis Vol#: 18

C 579 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 580 Aaren Vol#: 18

C 581 Lucas M. Bates Vol#: 18

C 582 A. Disco Vol#: 18

C 583 Shani Metler Vol#: 18

C 584 Susan M. Jennings Vol#: 18

C 585 Charlotte Allen Vol#: 18

C 586 Stuart J. Saruj Vol#: 18

C 587 Freijo Claffon Vol#: 18

C 588 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 589 Harry Glaeser Vol#: 18

C 590 Loreles Cook Vol#: 18

C 591 Anna Louritzo Vol#: 18

C 592 Rebecca Jacunski Vol#: 18

C 593 Kelli Botta Vol#: 18

C 594 Eric Rosario Vol#: 18

C 595 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 596 Philip Mores Vol#: 18

C 597 Eric Jaff Vol#: 18

C 598 Sean Gray Vol#: 18

C 599 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 600 L. Cook Vol#: 18

C 601 Merle Barbson Vol#: 18

C 602 Meg Gluckman Vol#: 18

C 603 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 604 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 605 Kathleen Jaull Vol#: 18

C 606 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 607 Michelle Brown Vol#: 18

C 608 D. Rachel Vol#: 18

C 609 Ann Finder Vol#: 18

C 610 Kate Stevens Vol#: 18

C 611 Chad Chamberlain Vol#: 18

C 612 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 613 Nick Comesci Vol#: 18

C 614 Teena Vol#: 18

C 615 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 616 Lorelei Cook Vol#: 18

C 617 Ashley White Vol#: 18

C 618 Ben Deliduler Vol#: 18

C 619 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 620 M. Howantz Vol#: 18

C 621 Carl Ferly Vol#: 18

C 622 Jeanine Carr Vol#: 18

C 623 MacKensie Grant Vol#: 18

C 624 Fletcher Dean Vol#: 18

C 625 Mike Harry Vol#: 18

C 626 Blake Hackenson Vol#: 18

C 627 Wendy Shaw Vol#: 18

C 628 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 629 Kurt & Peg Elma Vol#: 18

C 630 Scott Russell Vol#: 18

C 631 Rosario Lynch Vol#: 18

C 632 Harmony Glynn Vol#: 18

C 633 Mary Zirgle Vol#: 18

C 634 Karen Johnson Vol#: 18

C 635 Bernadette Murray Vol#: 18

C 636 Eric Rosario Vol#: 18

C 637 David Ferruzza Vol#: 18

C 638 E. Filkorn Vol#: 18

C 639 Jodie Murray Vol#: 18

C 640 Erin Pawlinger Vol#: 18

C 641 Roy Marcus Vol#: 18

C 642 Allison Wurtsbaugh Vol#: 18

C 643 William Davidson Vol#: 18

C 644 Deanna P. Vol#: 18

C 645 David Snyder Vol#: 18

C 646 L. O. Snelte Vol#: 18

C 647 Roy Fetters Vol#: 18

C 648 Spencer Vol#: 18

C 649 Willow E. Adkins Vol#: 18

C 650 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 651 Christopher K. Corks Vol#: 18

C 652 Jocelyn Vol#: 18

C 653 James J. Dodd Vol#: 18

C 654 Bruce Campbell Vol#: 18

C 655 Brian Bishop Vol#: 18

C 656 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 657 Bethany Vol#: 18

C 658 Amy McMillin Vol#: 18

C 659 Cheryl Stauffer Vol#: 18

C 660 Julie Kins Vol#: 18

C 661 Nick Conerci Vol#: 18

C 662 Claire Reynolds Vol#: 18

C 663 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 664 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 665 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 666 Jason Perry Vol#: 18

C 667 Gail Furly Vol#: 18

C 668 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 669 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 670 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 671 Blake Manley Vol#: 18

C 672 Illegible Vol#: 18

C 673 Pat Sigel Vol#: 18

C 674 Heather Fairbanks Vol#: 18

C 675 No Signature Vol#: 18

C 676 Danelle Vol#: 18

C 677 Marlys Eddy Vol#: 18

99D-0297 Formal Dispute Resolution Appeals above the Division Level

N 1 HFA-250 Vol#: 1

99D-2211 Electro-optical sensors/vivo detection of cervical cancer

GDL 1 Guideline Vol#: 1

NAD 1 HFZ-220 Vol#: 1

99D-2638 Use of Medicated Feeds for Minor Species

GDL 1 Guideline Vol#: 1

NAD 1 HFV-006 Vol#: 1

99H-2711 Civil Money Penalty; JRW & Associates, Inc dba Farmers Marke

LET 1 Office of Tobacco Programs Vol#: 1


99H-2712 Civil Money Penalty;Milten Berger Oil Co, Inc dba Jump Stop

LET 1 Office of Tobacco Programs Vol#: 1


99H-2713 Civil Money Penalty;Perohn, Inc dba Pronto Market

LET 1 Office of Tobacco Programs Vol#: 1


99H-2714 Civil Money Penalty;Rite Aid Corp dba Rite Aid #4925

LET 1 Office of Tobacco Programs Vol#: 1


99H-2715 Civil Money Penalty;Robert Wise Jr dba Rob's Convenience

LET 1 Office of Tobacco Programs Vol#: 1


99H-2716 Civil Money Penalty;S Salem Inc dba Ace Liquor Store

LET 1 Office of Tobacco Programs Vol#: 1


99H-2717 Civil Money Penalty;Sinclair Oil Corp dba Sinclair #43030

LET 1 Office of Tobacco Programs Vol#: 1


99H-2718 Civil Money Penalty;Wal-Mart Stores Inc dba Wal-Mart Store #

LET 1 Office of Tobacco Programs Vol#: 1


99H-2719 Civil Money Penalty;Walgreen Co dba Walgreens #1985

LET 1 Office of Tobacco Programs Vol#: 1


99H-2720 Civil Money Penalty;Walgreen Co dba Walgreens #3382

LET 1 Office of Tobacco Programs Vol#: 1


99N-2549 Cosmetic Product Voluntary Reporting Program

NCR 1 Vol#: 1

99N-2607 Hearing aid devices/professional & patient package labeling

N 1 HFA-205 Vol#: 1

99N-2674 Proposal to Debar Jay Marcus

NPH 1 HFD-1 to Jay Marcus Vol#: 1

99P-0485 Rescind Approval of Subtherapeutic Antibiotic Use Livestock

C 1564 Anthony Salzarulo Vol#: 24

C 1565 Mary Sue Skie Vol#: 24

C 1566 Anore & Meredith Ryland Vol#: 24

C 1567 Doris Sayles Vol#: 24

C 1568 Catherine Walker Vol#: 24

C 1569 Evelyn Salmon-Malone Vol#: 24

C 1570 Alan McCann Vol#: 24

EC 81 Leah & Geoffrey Levitt Vol#: 24

EC 82 Mary Bauer Vol#: 24

EC 83 Clare Lentz Vol#: 24

EC 84 Vivienne E Perkins Vol#: 24

EC 85 Carol Stone PhD Vol#: 24

EC 86 Jennifer Woodhull Vol#: 24

EC 87 Andrew Kang Bartlett Vol#: 24

EC 88 Scott Samuels Vol#: 24

EC 89 Charmaine Nelson Vol#: 24

EC 90 Scott Kramer Vol#: 24

EC 91 Christian Kanuth Vol#: 24

EC 92 Inci D Devin Vol#: 24

EC 93 Katherine A Cell Vol#: 24

EC 94 Holly Klein Vol#: 24

EC 95 James F Montgomery Vol#: 24

EC 96 Brent Eubanks Vol#: 24

EC 97 Judith K Canepa Vol#: 24

EC 98 Heather Crosby Vol#: 24

EC 99 Margery Entwisle Vol#: 24

EC 100 Suzanne Bailey Vol#: 24

99V-2974 Projector for Laser Light Show

ACK 1 HFA-305 Vol#: 1

VAR 1 L and L Productions Vol#: 1