Saturday, January 17, 2009


Study Warns of Threat to Coasts From Rising Sea Levels

Sea level rise fueled by global warming threatens the barrier islands and coastal wetlands of the Middle Atlantic States, a federal report warned.

Wind Farm Off Cape Cod Clears Hurdle

A federal agency said Friday that the nation’s first offshore wind farm, proposed for the waters off Cape Cod, posed no serious environmental threat.

Environment | Lindenhurst

In Babylon, an Incentive for Energy Efficiency

Long Island Green Homes initiative helps provide energy-efficient improvements at little or no upfront cost to homeowners.


Green Building Trend Picks Up Pace in County

Included in the shift toward environmentally friendly construction is legislation proposing a greener building code.

Torn Between Green Galas? At Least They’re a Walk Apart

In Washington, the giants of the environment and conservation movements will gather to celebrate the inauguration, but they will do it at two very different galas — with very different philosophies.

Red Bank

Red Bank Emphasizes Recycling Over Bag Ban

Businesses that use plastic bags will now be required to have a recycling bin on the premises.

The Transition
"If I am confirmed,
political appointees
will not compromise
the integrity of
E.P.A.’s technical
experts to advance
particular regulatory
outcomes." LISA P. JACKSON
Brendan Smialowski for The New York Times

"If I am confirmed, political appointees will not compromise the integrity of E.P.A.’s technical experts to advance particular regulatory outcomes." LISA P. JACKSON

Lisa P. Jackson, chosen to head the Environmental Protection Agency, said at her confirmation hearing that her first task would be to restore scientific and legal integrity to the agency.

Agriculture Pick’s Hearing Is Smooth

Former Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa acknowledged the struggles of the corn-based ethanol industry but stopped short of endorsing new federal help.

Green Inc.

Answering for Past Statements

Physics met politics at the confirmation hearing Tuesday for Steven Chu, the Nobel laureate scientist chosen by President-elect Obama to head the Department of Energy.

Arne Naess, Norwegian Philosopher, Dies at 96

Mr. Naess’s ideas about promoting an intimate and all-embracing relationship between the earth and the human species inspired people around the world.

Interactive Graphic: Carbon Emissions Across the United States

There are big differences in emissions between companies, and from state to state, that may make it harder to reach agreements on cuts.

The Magazine

The Green Issue

Some bold steps to make your carbon footprint smaller.

Times Topics

Articles, resources and multimedia about species at risk.

Browse Environment Topics
Underwater Discoveries

Images from “Ocean: An Illustrated Atlas,” which catalogs the mysteries of the oceans.

Coal Ash Spill Raises Broader Questions

A billion gallons of coal ash breached a holding pond at a Tennessee power plant, reigniting a debate over the safety of the byproduct of clean coal technology.

Obama Introduces Energy Team

Carol M. Browner was named to the new position of White House coordinator for energy and environment. Barack Obama also said that he was nominating Steven Chu as Energy secretary.

America's Disappearing Forests

The mountain pine beetle, an insect pest, is destroying massive swaths of American lodgepole pine.

Alexandra Morton's Salmon Fight

Alexandra Morton, a self-trained biologist, has been battling fish farms in British Columbia that she says are endangering wild salmon runs.

Life (Mostly) Off the Grid

The Dervaes family is living the green life in Pasadena, Calif.

Choking on Growth
Oded Balilty/Associated Press

Beijing May Green for the Olympics, but Long-Term Forecast Is Gray

For Beijing’s 12 million residents, air pollution is a serious problem.