First, read a brief modern summary of the events, In the Wake of the Black Death—a link from EDSITEment resource Internet Public Library, starting with the words "the decline in populations and inflation" in paragraph 9, and ending with "although the poll tax was abolished." in paragraph 19.

I. Approach your reading of each primary source using the following general questions as a guide:

  1. What does the document state?
  2. What elements within the document have likely connections to the plague and its effects? In what way?
  3. In what ways, if any, does the document differ from other first- or secondhand accounts the class has read?
  4. What possible sources of bias or unintentional inaccuracy should be taken into account?

II. Your assignment is to read accounts of the revolts known as the The Jacquerie (1358) and the Peasants' Revolt 1381 (both from Internet Medieval Sourcebook) each written by someone who lived at the time.

The specific questions below should guide your reading:

The following specific questions should guide your reading:

  1. What were the demands of Wat (Walter) Tyler?
  2. What about Wat's behavior indicated a change in attitude toward the nobility?
  3. What did the king promise?
  4. What happened when Wat was arrested?
  5. How did the king deal with his rebellious subjects?
  6. Which of the king's promises did he keep?

III. Answering the questions about the accounts should help you stage an "interview" with one of the leaders of each revolt and another with King Richard.

Your staged interview should provide the following information to the class: