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SNL/California: Computer Sciences & Information Systems Center (CS & IS)


Research Areas


Computer Science

Innovating scientific computing R&D.

visualization design center

Information Systems

Ensuring full and secure utilization of the Sandia/CA IS infrastructure.

student intern

Student Institutes

Training the scientists of the future.

Our purpose is to employ Information Systems and High Performance Computing for competitive advantage and mission success.

The Computer Sciences and Information Systems Center (CS & IS) is devoted to performing and enabling advanced computing research at Sandia’s satellite campus in Livermore, California.

Our activities include computational science and mathematics research, high performance computing, visualization systems research and development, problem solving environments, information security research and operations, desktop computer support, videoconferencing solutions and desktop collaboration technologies, and network operations.

Featured Project

Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry (MPQC)

MPQC logo

MPQC began as a parallel self-consistent-field program. Now, as a full-fledged massively parallel quantum chemistry program suite, it is run on many hardware configurations around the country to perform computation and optimization for a wide range of quantum chemical methods.