Unit pricing to come into effect by December, small retailers exempt
January 8, 2009

Chris Bowen, the Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs, has today announced the details of the Federal Government’s plans for the roll-out of a mandatory unit pricing regime. They include, as anticipated, an exemption for grocers that operate stores no greater than 1000m2, with the law set to be established by July 1, 2009. A transition period of six months will be granted to all retailers impacted by the legislation change. Unit pricing, the display of the price of goods per... ...Read more »

Unit pricing scheme details to be unveiled early next year
December 11, 2008

Australia’s Consumer Affairs Minister, Chris Bowen, has told reporters in Sydney today that the framework for a national unit pricing scheme is nearing completion and will be revealed early next year. Unit pricing, one of the recommendations from the ACCC’s Grocery Price Inquiry, requires supermarkets and grocers to display the price per unit of measurement e.g. per gram or kilogram as well as the product price for packaged goods. “It’s been the law in Europe for 10 years,... ...Read more »

Winemakers keen to see alcopop tax loophole closed
December 4, 2008

The Winemakers’ Federation of Australia (WFA) has labelled the latest action by the Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia (DSICA) in delivering look-alike alcopop products to Government Members and Senators, as nothing more than a cynical media stunt. The WFA is supporting attempts to close the loophole that allows the overseas practice of manufacturing so called ‘wine-pops’ and ‘malternatives’ by using alcohol stripped from wine or beer and selling them at... ...Read more »

“Alcopop” tax loophole to be closed
November 24, 2008

A loophole in the tax on RTD (ready to drink) alcohol products is to be cut off by the Federal Government, according to reports. The RTD or ‘alcopop’ tax was introduced in May as concerns about binge drinking escalated. Since then Independent Distillers has produced a product called ‘Bolt’, which has exploited a loophole in the new tax arrangements by using the alcohol from beer to create a so-called ‘malternative’. The product tastes very similar to many alcopops... ...Read more »

Price fixing to come under the spotlight of new legislation
October 28, 2008

The Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs, Chris Bowen, has announced a package of measures providing criminal sanctions for serious cartel conduct, including providing power to the ACCC to tap telephone calls for investigatory purposes. After lengthy consultation with businesses, academics and the community at large, the Government yesterday released the final cartels bill in response to their election promise. “Together with the United States, the 10‑year... ...Read more »

Queenslanders given opportunity to comment on junk food ad ban proposal
October 21, 2008

Queenslanders have until the end of October to have their say on a proposed junk food ad ban during children’s TV viewing hours.Health Minister Stephen Robertson has called for more community feedback on the already strong response to the Bligh Government’s junk food discussion paper. “So far, more than 1,500 Queenslanders have completed our survey on regulating junk food and drink ads during kids’ TV programming,” he said. “But we want to hear from even more Queenslanders.... ...Read more »

ARA urges halt to legislative changes to ease retail burden
October 16, 2008

Peak retail industry body the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has urged state and federal governments to restrict the introduction of new legislation that could burden retailers with added compliance costs during this period of economic concern.ARA Executive Director Richard Evans said during one of the hardest economic times for retailers, decision makers are continuing to push through legislation across the country - including unit pricing, plastic bag bans, emissions trading schemes, parental... ...Read more »

UK manufacturers call for policy makers to get out from behind their desks
September 19, 2008

Regulators and policy makers need to get out from behind their desks to see what it is really like to work in the food and drink industry, Food and Drink Federation (FDF) Director General Melanie Leech told a major conference in London overnight. Speaking at the New Regulatory Reform Agenda conference organised by Whitehall & Westminster magazine, Leech said: “I understand the time pressures facing those in Government and its agencies - but if you don’t understand business processes,... ...Read more »

Calls for nationally consistent food regulation
September 17, 2008

The Australian Food and Grocery Council has welcomed the release of the Productivity Commission’s Annual Review of Regulatory Burdens on Business: Manufacturing and Distributive Trades. “Australia’s $70 billion packaged food and grocery industry has long been arguing for a more streamlined approach to food regulation,” AFGC Chief Executive, Kate Carnell, said. The report found food regulation could be made less burdensome by: “Increasing national consistency of regulation Improving... ...Read more »

Alcohol company finds way around “alcopop” tax
September 16, 2008

One of Australia’s leading producers of RTD alcoholic beverages has discovered that they can steer clear of the ‘alcopop’ tax by using alcohol derived from beer. Independent Distillers told Fairfax that they are set to launch a beverage called ‘Bolt’, which should appeal to younger drinkers with its passionfruit, raspberry and blueberry flavours. The drink does not use typical spirits, instead utilising alcohol derived from beer. The beer taste is stripped out during... ...Read more »

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