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1/15/2009 - Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger delivered the 2009 State of the State Address.
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Image of the Governor1/7 - Governor Schwarzenegger held a press conference to discuss the state budget. Yesterday, the Governor vetoed the budget bills sent to him by the legislature which fail to provide real solutions for California’s budget crisis and economic stimulus to aid California’s economy.
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Image of the Governor1/16 - In these especially difficult budget times, the Governor believes that if we are to ask the people of California to give more of their paychecks and endure spending reductions to balance our budget, then state government must do its part as well - we must become more efficient.
1/10Permanent link to transcript - In a matter of weeks, California, the world's eighth largest economy, will run out of cash and delay making refunds to our hard-working taxpayers. Just yesterday, the Governor ordered that beginning in February, most state offices, like the DMV, will be forced to close the first and third Fridays of each month. The people of California deserve better.
State of the State
What They're Saying
1/16Permanent link to video and transcript of What They're Saying, About the Governor's State of the State Address - I thought the tone of the Governor's speech was positive. He's absolutely right. Before we can move on to a positive agenda in California, we need to solve the budget crisis.
Link to Maria Shriver's  website
January 2009