Healthy People Consortium Meeting
"Implementing Healthy People 2010"
November 11, 2000

Summary of Breakout Group Discussion Concerning:
Health Communication

Five of six (11.2-11.6) are developmental objectives and will be dropped by 2005. 
11.2 Health literacy costs up to $18 billion for managed care.
11.3 Very easy to do bad health care and waste resources--therefore must evaluate.
11.4 Wired for Health and Well Being--at for more details.
11.6 Crucial channel to communicate health.
Sticking point: Measurement--without data, lose Healthy People objectives.
Measurement Efforts: 
11.2 Health literacy--work with Department of Education on National Assessment of Adult Literacy; add health literacy component in 2002.
11.3 Research and evaluation--focus initially on Federal and foundation programs.
11.4 Quality of health Web sites. Working with "codes of ethics" organizations and FTC. September 26, 2000 Medscape article. If you have Web sites, you should make sure that your site meets these codes of ethics. See, and
11.5 Centers for excellence. Work with NCI.
11.6 Patient-provider communication. Work with AHRQ to integrate into MEPS.
"Moving the needle"--to see progress, need both targeted and comprehensive activities.
Adopt one or more objectives--become an officially designated Healthy People partner; join coalitions or work independently.

APHA--Health Communication Working Group
Interested in adopting Health Communication objective, so produced a report, which is at; working group 
Key criteria to rank objectives: expertise, resources, other activities in field, and overall feasibility.
Interviewed authors of chapters.
Results: Focus on research and evaluation--support centers of excellence; health literacy--support provider communication; Web quality--support home access.

1. What does implementing Healthy People 2010 mean to you?

2. How do you suggest we work with local community groups in implementing the Healthy People 2010 objectives?

3. What are the challenges/barriers to meeting the Healthy People 2010 objectives? And how do you suggest we work to overcome them?

4. What can we do to support the elimination of health disparities among racial and ethnic population groups?

5. How do we measure progress of Healthy People 2010 in the future? And what is the progress?

6. How can we work more effectively with the media in implementing the Healthy People 2010 objectives?


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