Summary of the Data Challenges Critical Issue Session
Seattle: Regions VIII and X
December 2, 1998



Edward J. Sondik, PhD
Director National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC


Elizabeth Ward, RN, MN
Assistant Secretary, Epidemiology, Health Statistics, and Public Health Laboratory, Washington

  1. Standards
    • Noncompatibility of the different TB data sets illustrates the need for integration.
    • How and when to collect?
    • There is great difficulty in collecting this type of data; sites for collection of data include point of service at hospitals and funeral homes, which present difficult circumstances. Self-reporting may achieve higher accuracy.
  2. Analysis Capacity Threat
  3. State and Local Measurement

Ron Bialek
Executive Director, Public Health Foundation

From: Measuring Health Objectives and Indicators: 1997 State and Local Capacity Survey

  1. What we have
    • Found that data is important in driving objectives; availability of baseline data influenced the selection of objectives
    • Vital statistics most frequently used for measuring objectives
  2. What we know
    • Baseline data were generally not available at local level
    • Timeliness of tracking data improved over baseline data
    • Lack of data systems and staff perceived as leading barriers to tracking state objectives
    • Staffing needs, data sharing/linking, and new data collection systems dominated ‘states’ wish lists
  3. What we need

In summary

Richard Klein, MPH
Chief, Data Monitoring and Analysis Branch, NCHS

Three critical data issues:

  1. Implementation of ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) for mortality
  2. Implementation of a new population standard for age-adjusted death rates from 1940 to the projected 2000 standard.
  3. Implementation of new guideline for collecting and tabulating race statistics

Olivia Carter-Pokras, PhD
Director, Division of Policy and Data, Office of Minority Health


Summary Points:

Seattle Transcripts and Summaries