Dr. Jonathan Ajo-Franklin


Research Scientist

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Earth Science Division
Geophysics/Geomechanics Group


[Home]    1611 La Vereda Rd, Berkeley, CA, 94709

Work    :    (510)-495-2728

Cell    :      (510)-735-4350


Ph.D. From Stanford University : Geophysics (2005)

M.S. From Stanford University : Geophysics (2002)

B.A. From Rice University: Computer Science and History (1998)

[Postdoctoral Fellow 2005-2007 at the Earth Resouces Laboratory, MIT]


Refereed Articles
Refereed Conference Abstracts
Oral Presentations
Poster Presentations

Laboratory & Field

"Integration of Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring and  Flow Modeling for CO2 Sequestration: The Frio II Brine Pilot", J.B. Ajo-Franklin, C.M. Doughty, and T.M. Daley,
Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H11J-02, 2007

"Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Injection in a Brine Aquifer",

Thomas M. Daley, Ray D. Solbau, Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Sally M. Benson,

Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 5, p. A57-A61

"The Ultrasonic Properties Of Granular Media Saturated With DNAPL/Water Mixtures", 
Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Jil T. Geller, and Jerry M. Harris,
Geophysical Research Letters
(GRL),  Vol. 34, 2007, L07404, (Paper PDF)

"Modeling the hydrogeophysical response of aquifer storage and recovery in Kuwait", Minsley, B., J.B. Ajo-Franklin, M. Al-Otaibi, A. Mukhopadhyay, F. Al-Ruwaih, and F.D. Morgan, presented at the SEG Summer Research Workshop on Hydrogeophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 2006

"A Survey Of The Geophysical Properties of Chlorinated DNAPLs", Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Jil T. Geller, and J.M. Harris, Journal of Applied Geophysics (JAG), Vol. 59, No.3, July 2006, pp. 177-189 (Paper PDF)

"The Dielectric Properties Of Granular Media Saturated With DNAPL/Water Mixtures", Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Jil T. Geller, and J.M. Harris,  Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), Vol. 31, 2004, No. 17, L17501 (Paper PDF)

"Using Spatially Integrated Crosswell Geophysics For Environmental Site Assessment", Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Jil T. Geller, Jaime Urban, and Jerry Harris, Presented At The 2004 AGU Spring Meeting (Poster PDF)

"Comparison of Laboratory Data and Theoretical Predications of P-wave Transmission Through NAPL/Water Mixtures in Unconsolidated Porous Media" Jil T. Geller and Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Presented At The 2003 AGU Fall Meeting

"Preliminary Characterization of a NAPL-Contaminated Site using Borehole Geophysical Techniques", Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Jil T. Geller, Ernie L/ Majer, John E. Peterson, Ken H. Williams, and Jerry M. Harris, Symposium on Ap plication of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems (SAGEEP), 2003, (Paper PDF)

"Effect of Immiscible Liquids on P-wave Transmission through Natural Aquife r Samples", Jil T. Geller, Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin and Ernest L. Majer, Symposium o n Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems (SAGEEP), 2003, (Paper PDF)

"Integrated Geophysical Characterization of a NAPL-Contaminated Site Using Borehole and Laboratory Measurements", J.B. Ajo-Franklin, J.T. Geller, E.L. Majer, J.E. Peterson, K.H. Williams, and J.M. Harris, Eos Trans. AGU Fall Meet . Suppl., Abstract T22B-1142(Abstract) (Poster PDF) 83(47), 2002,

"First Field Test of NAPL Detection with High Resolution Borehole Seismic I maging", Jil T. Geller, John E. Peterson, Kenneth H. Williams, Jonathan B. Ajo-Frank lin, and Ernest L. Majer, 9th Biennial International Conference on Nuclear and Hazardous Waster Management, 2002 (Abstract)

Computation  & Theory

"Optimal Experiment Design for Timelapse Traveltime Tomography". Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, [Submitted to Geophysics May 20, 2008, in review]

"Redatuming through a Salt Canopy and Target Oriented Salt Flank Imaging"
, Ronrong Lu, Mark E. Willis, Xander Campman, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, and M.Nafi Toksoz,
Geophysics, 2008, Vol. 73, No.3, p. S63-S71

"Redatumming through a Salt Canopy - Another Salt Flank Imaging Strategy", Ronrong Lu, Mark E. Willis, Xander Campman, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, and M.Nafi Toksoz, 77th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys, September 2007
"Relative Particle Motions of Fluid and Solid Phases in Porous Media: A Numerical Study of Scattering in Digitized Granular Models",
Yang Zhang, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, and M. Nafi Toksoz,
77th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys, September 2007

"Imaging dipping sediments at a salt dome flank -- VSP seismic interferometry and reverse-time migration" Rongrong Lu, Mark Willis, Xander Campman, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, and M. Nafi Toksöz,

76th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys, October 2006
(Extended Abstract [PDF])

"Applying compactness constraints to differential traveltime tomography", Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Burke J. Minsley, and Tom M. Daley,
Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 4, p. R67-R75 (Paper PDF)

"Using Resolution-Constrained Adaptive Meshes For Traveltime Tomograpy",  Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Jaime A. Urban, and Jerry M. Harris, Journal of Seismic Exploration (JSE), Vol.14, Feb. 2006, pp. 371-390 (Paper Preprint [PDF])

"Application of minimum support constraints to seismic traveltime
tomography" Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin and Burke Minsley,  
Presented at the
2005 AGU Fall Meeting, H13C-1344 (Poster PDF)

"Temporal Integration Of Seismic Traveltime Tomography", Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, Jaime Urban, and Jerry M. Harris, 
75th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys, April 2005
(Extended Abstract Preprint [PDF])

"Single-well seismic modeling in viscoelastic media using a variable-grid finite-difference method", C. Wu, J. Harris and J. Franklin 71st Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys, 2001, pp. 1155-1158. (Extended Abstract [PDF])

"A High-Order Fast Marching Scheme For The Linearized Eikonal Equation", J.B.Franklin and J.M.Harris, Journal Of Computational Acoustics, Vol.9,No.3, 2001, pp.1095-1109 (Paper [PS])

"Fast Marching Schemes for the Linearized Eikonal and Transport Equations", J.B.Franklin and J.M.Harris, 4th International Conference On Theoretical And Computational Acoustics (ICTCA) [B1-05], 1999. (Slide Presentation [PDF])

"A Distributed Approach To 3-D Seismic Traveltime Calculation", J.B.Franklin and J.M.Harris SIAM Geosciences, 1999 (Abstract [PS])

"Using Approximate Bucket Structures And The Pape-Levit Algorithm in High Performance Shortest Path Raytracing," J.B.Franklin AGU Fall Meeting, 1997(Abstract [PS])

"Minimum traveltime calculations in anisotropic media using graph theory," J.B.Franklin 67th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys, 1997, pp. 1517-1520 (Extended Abstract [PS])



Founding Member Fellow, ERL, MIT (2005)

Chair's Fellowship For Intergroup Research, Stanford (2002-2003)

EPA STAR Fellow (2001-2004)

Shell Fellow (1999)

Samuel P. Worden Award for Geophysical Research (1997)


SEG (Society Of Exploration Geophysics)

AGU (American Geophysical Union)


Society Positions

AGU Near-Surface Geophysics Focus Group : Executive Committee Member
AGU Hydrogeophysics Technical Committee : Member
Journal Affiliations
Geophysics (Special Editor)

Geophysical Research Letters (Reviewer)
Journal Of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics (Reviewer)
Hydrological Sciences Journal (Reviewer)

Geophysical Journal International (Reviewer)
Chaired Conference Sessions

SM P1 : Theory and Methods
SEG Annual Meeting (66th), fall 2006
(w. Phil Bording)

H31 : Novel Geophysical Inversion Techniques
for Environmental And Near-Surface Imaging,
AGU Fall Meeting, 2005

(w. Burke Minsley)

NS41B/NS08 : Soil Properties at Near-Surface Conditions,  
AGU Spring Meeting, 2005

(w. Manika Prasad)