Healthy People Consortium Meeting and Public Hearing
"Building the Next Generation of Healthy People"
November 12 and 13, 1998
Capital Hilton, Washington, D.C.

Tobacco Use

Summary Points:
  1. The goal statement in the tobacco chapter should be changed to read: "Reduce disease, disability, and death related to tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke by 1) preventing initiation of tobacco use, 2) promoting cessation of tobacco use, 3) reducing exposure to secondhand smoke, 4) changing social norms and environments that support tobacco use, and 5) eliminate disparities among special populations."
  2. The section on social norms should be expanded to include adults in addition to children and should have related objectives that measure adults' attitudes toward tobacco use.
  3. The group discussed at length the advantages and disadvantages of using "better than the best" as the target setting method for the prevalence objectives. There was general agreement that choosing one target for all subobjectives is a good idea, but it is important that the data point used as the marker for the "best" be representative of the population. For example, the subgroup prevalence of people with 16 years of education or more may not be the best indicator for all other subgroups.


Julie Fishman - Office on Smoking and Health, CDC
Sarah Knowles - Office on Smoking and Health, CDC
Douglas Fabio - Tuffant(?) County Public Health Department
Candace Gortney - Bureau of Medicine and Surgery - US Navy
Benjamin Klein - American Heart Association
Jane Moore - ASTHO
John Poundstone - Lexinton- Fayette Co. Health Department, Kentucky
Ruth T. Perot - Summit Health Institute for Research and Education, Inc.
Rene Astudillo - Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum
Teri Chalkley - Associate State and Territorial Chronic Disease Program Director
Ruth Newlin - American Lung Association
Tom Houston - American Medical Association
Elise Ward - Community Health in Focus
Bob Windom - Secretary's Council
Matthew Guidry - ODPHP


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